Turtles... and HOLY FUCK IS THAT A GIANT SPIDER?! / Chapter Six

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THEY are here. You know what? I don't care if the foot clan is bad, these assholes are the reason I didn't save the crystal and got killed.  I aim my gun down at them and just as I'm about to shoot, I hesitate. This hesitation leads to nothing good because when I do, I'm spotted. "Hey, isn't that the guy we got that mystic crystal from?" Mother fuc- 

  In a matter of seconds I'm pinned to the ground by a dozen foot soldiers. "Who's your friend here turtles?" I hear a raspy voice taunt them from behind me. As they bicker back and forth, I feel a deep hunger begin to rise and I grin as my stomach rumbles. Leonardo looks at me and mockingly holds a Snickers in front of my face. "You hungry crystal boy?" I chuckle darkly at this and look him in the eyes, the hunger beginning to take over. "More than you can imagine."

  Next thing I know I'm wiping the blood off my face as I turn to the three shocked turtles grinning. Wait, three? I look around the room starting to get angrier and angrier until I find him. Leonardo is not only going towards the door, but he's fucking TIP-TOEING?! "And where do you think you're going?" He looks back at me, smiling nervously then starts tiptoeing faster "Nope! Fuck this! I am too pretty to die!" and with this I'm pulled out of my vengeful rage by shock and a bit of disbelief. "Ah yes, I took shall be going. There is tech to perfected and uranium to be acquired." "Raph's got to uh- help pops! Pops needs help with his TV!" "And I-" before Mikey can finish I grab him and pull out my dagger.

   "Leaving so soon? Without poor Mikey?" All three of them stop in their tracks, fear tracing their faces. Raph steps towards me reading his tofas (yes I found out what they were I totally didn't look it up shut up) "Let out brother go and no one gets hurt." I frown dramatically "Aww too bad I was planning to kill you all oopsie daisies!" Leo and Donnie grab their weapons prepared to start fighting "Just listen for A-" I laugh "No YOU listen!" I press the dagger into Mikey's neck, droplets of blood beginning to form as he tries to wiggle out of my grasp. I look down at him, his terrified eyes meeting mine and I stop. I don't see the guy who caused my death and broke my ankles back then I see a child, an innocent boy that I'M hurting. "Don't squirm, with how sharp my dagger is if you squirm the wrong way then it could slice through your neck and that's not what I have planned." I look back up at the three with cold eyes. "If you hadn't stole that damn crystal my mother would still be alive. I would have never died!" I laugh in disbelief and look at myself "I should be dead.. I can't die.." I look back up at them, fury rising in my chest "this is all because of YOU."

   Raph comes forwards with his arms raised to show he means no harm but even if he doesn't, I do. "Hey hey listen this is just a big misunderstanding! We never-" I laugh "Misunderstanding?! MY FAMILY IS DEAD!" "You said but it was never our plan for that to happen just let us explain!" "Go on then." I look him dead in the eyes "Prove that I'm wrong about you and I will let you all go free. If not," I hold the dagger closer against my captive's neck "I will kill him and then all of you without hesitation. You have 2 minutes." "We're the good guys, the heroes." I scoff "And none of us knew anyone would get hurt let alone killed! We were just trying to return it to it's rightful owner like heroes do!" I check the time. "Times up." "No it isn't." I turn my head just as Leo sends his odachi piercing through my back.

  "Did you just fucking STAB me?!" He blinks in shock "Uh yeah?" I look at him in disbelief "and you thought it was gonna KILL me?!" "I mean yeah, that's why I did it." This bitch. "MOTHERFUCKER I LITERALLY SAID ABOUT 5 MINUTES AGO THAT I CAN'T DIE AND EVEN IF I COULD YOU THOUGHT STABBING WAS THE WAY TO GO?!"

"Uh yeah. It normally works."

I just stare at him before blinking and acting stupid "Oh LoOk At Me! I'm A dUmB lItTle TuRtLe BoY!" I take the hilt of the odachi, it's really far in my back so the easiest way to get it out is forward "fuck this is gonna hurt." I push it in, and out through my chest coughing in pain. I then prance around with it "AnD oH LOOK!" I go towards a random dead foot soldier and stand him up like I was "I aM gOiNg To SaVe mY bROtHeR by STABBING hIm eVeN tHoUgh iT's FUCKING POINTLESS!" I plunge the odachi through the guys back causing him to scream and go lip "oh I guess he wasn't dead. Oh well." I make the corpse stand up "aNd OH LOOOK! HE DIDN'T DIE!" I turn towards Leo who's face is flushed in embarrassment as his brothers are laughing their asses off.

  I step back towards him and throw him his odachi and pull out my katana (yes I had one this whole time, no it's not for plot convenience) "Now, let's DANCE."

And dance we do. Sparks seem to fly as we spar back and forth both of us trying to get the edge on the other. I look him in the eyes and see how confident yet concentrated he is. His blue eyes gleam with humor and confidence shining like the sky and for a moment, I get lost in them as we fight until eventually when he swings he makes a portal.

"COWARD!" I rush towards his portal trying to go after him but just as I get through, the hue of it turns purple.

  As I land on the smooth tile I hear what seems to be eight giant legs coming towards me. No. I look up and see just what I feared. HOLY FUCK IT'S A GIANT ASS FUCKING SPIDER! I scramble back in absolute terror but, the spider turns into a beautiful woman and walks towards me, curiosity shining in her eyes. She leans down in front of me and pulls off my mask. I brace myself for screams of horror, for her disgusted words to come out but, it never comes.

  She holds my face in her hands softly making me look at her. She gasps "You're beautiful." My eyes widen in shock "Beautiful?" She snaps her fingers looking at the ox and fox "You two! Prepare my second room!"

  She looks back at me and smiles softly then boops my nose "You're going to be my little bodyguard pretty boy." Pretty? She helps me up and leads me to an elevator. "So are you a human or Yokai? You look mostly human and I don't see a shifting brooch but you have Yokai blood running through your veins." I look at her

  "Uh human but I don't know what that scientist did to bring me back." She looks at me confused "Bring you back?" I look down suddenly ashamed of everything that's happened

"I-I died. There was a fire and I was trapped, some people I trusted did it. Then next thing I know I'm on the ground around bones and blood." She looks up and holds my face "Oh dear, I'm so sorry that happened to you but don't worry!" She smiles "As long as your with Big Mama no one will hurt you."

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