Big Bad Wolf / Chapter Five

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-Y/n's POV-

Finally, you're caught up but before we can get started with the murdering fun with the guts and gore and cannibalism, I need to get myself something I can fight in.  I roll my neck, hearing the bones pop as I look around at all I have to use. "Let's get started."

About eight hours later I'm finished with everything.
I have a gun to protect myself with along with a tech watch. I look at myself in the broken mirror in the corner.

Once I finish checking out the different parts of my outfit I tap my armband and look at the hologram of a map

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Once I finish checking out the different parts of my outfit I tap my armband and look at the hologram of a map. Now to find them. Hopefully, if the password to their main computer's IP is the same this'll work. I type in 'Kendra_Rulez' and just as I thought, I'm in. Self-centered bitch. And by that I mean, I have access to where each of them is, their files, and all of their text messages/emails. Looking through I see a recent text in a group chat with all of them in it.

Kendra- Meeting tonight at 6 in the old hotel room 860.

I grin as I look at the time, pull up a map, and locate the hotel. It's not far, good. I open a window and make my way over.

A couple of minutes later I'm here. 856, 857, 858, 859, 860! I grin as I open the door to see- no one? That's weird the text said they'd be he- I feel something hit the back of my neck. I grab what hit my neck and see a "No. Nononono!" I start to feel my body go numb as I make my way down the hall occasionally falling against a wall. I'm almost there but, everything goes black.

When I wake up I'm chained up. I look up to see them. "You look like hell," Kendra states looking down at me. "That happens when you crawl out of hell after getting killed by people you trusted." I snarl. I look around and everyone's here even him. Kendra looks at Monty who hands her a knife. "No 'escaping hell' this time." She says but something isn't right. When I flex against the chains, they're weak or I'm stronger? I grin at her. "Even in these chains, you can't stop me." She backs up looking a bit confused "What?" I grin wider "EVEN IN THESE CHAINS YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" Easily I break out of the chains snapping them into tiny pieces. Kendra looks at me in shock and horror and then yells to the others "RUN!"

  I pounce on the nearest person, strangling them and as I do, the hunger comes back but I'm not scared this time. I let it take me over as the hunger melts into the rage and my vision goes RED.

-3rd Person POV-

Y/n looks down at the boy beneath him struggling to breathe as he rips into his chest and pulls out his heart. the boy screams as the large boy digs in tearing him apart and eating him like an animal. After he's finished, he follows where he heard them go, he growls his hunger still not filled. He listens against a wall and finds the rest. They were two doors down; Jason was crying mumbling how he didn't want to die while Kendra and Monty fought over whose fault it was. The creature, covered in blood, grinned not only knowing where the people who had killed him were, knowing where his next meal is. He gets up off the ground and back against the wall across from the four walls to get to his prey, then ran full speed at the walls breaking each one with more and more force until in Infront of him was a killer, and his two terrified friends. Y/n ran his tongue across his sharp teeth as he chuckled deeply. "Found you~" the three screamed as they all scattered, trying to get to an exit.

Annoyed at all the running, Y/n snatched the three by the collars of their satin purple jackets. He laughed as the three squirmed and screamed trying to get out of his grasp. Then, Y/n looked Monty in the eyes. The same emerald eyes that had watched gleefully as he broke his wrists and ankles as he screamed in pain. No, he didn't deserve to be eaten alive, that's too good for him. Then there was Kendra. She had planned all of it because why?! Because Y/n had failed to stop a bunch of highly trained ninjas with mystic powers! She deserved almost as much pain as Monty did. They had lied to him, made him believe he was loved, safe even! And for that, there is no redemption.

But Jason? All he did was not stop them or help Y/n. Y/n looks into his eyes and saw a helpless little follower but, the hunger saw his last meal for the day Y/n held the other two in his left hand and made them watch as he devoured their friend, finally quieting the hunger. Y/n looks at the two who had hurt him the most and grins. "I'm going to have fun torturing you two."

  The two, who had already turned pale and had horrified eyes that stayed locked onto the monster in Infront of them, shook their heads as they begged for freedom and mercy. Hearing their begging Y/n laughs, "The only mercy would be putting an end to this right here but, we all know neither of you deserves that." And with that, their fates were sealed.

- 6 Hours Later-

-Y/n's POV-

Finally, after I finished my work for today and my anger has been quelled, it's time to check out that 'Foot Clan' according to my AI system, the only thing related to that is a shoe shop called "Foot Shop" which for me is a big red flag because it just screams 'hey I'm a coverup for a really bad group check me out!' so that's exactly what I plan to do.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, I make it to the shop and see a tiny skinny guy and a big, tall guy both with a red foot on their heads. Gottem. I follow them sticking to the shadows and seeing that there's this big army of people who work for them. I'm about to take a closer look when the window breaks and I see four familiar faces. "Turtles..."

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