Birth Of NULL / Chapter Four

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-Y/n's POV-

I pant as the terrifying, insatiable hunger finally fades. Where... where am I?

  I look around the room and see I'm inside some sort of lab. Then I look back down. My eyes widen as I finally realize what I've done.

  Below me is a pile of bones and torn, shredded pieces of a lab uniform and blood. Lots of blood. I pick up a name tag 'Doctor Emerson' I look down at the pile of bones

  "I'm sorry Doctor, I couldn't control myself." I go over to the desk covered in papers and failed experiments. One paper stands out, it shows a news report talking about a group that calls itself the 'Foot Clan', I take the newspaper and look at everything it says. Maybe I can try and find out where they are and stop them but to do that, I'm going to need my tech hockey stick (THS). Speaking of which, what happened to it-

  Memories flash back through my head. The fight with the ninjas, my mom dead underneath Monty's foot, Monty chasing me and that warehouse. That DAMNED warehouse where I died.

  "How..." I look down at my hands in shock "...How am I alive?" Looking down something catches my eye. I pick it up and low and behold, it's a gun. I sigh "my THS might be gone but you," I hold the gun up a bit and look at the tech in the room and all of the resources I have. "You're about to be born!" As of now, I have two missions, the first being born out of curiosity. Find out what's going on with this 'Foot Clan' and KILL the ones who are responsible for the murder of my mom and me, the Purple Dragons.

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