VOLUME 13 Chapter 4

Magsimula sa umpisa

"My Lord, what're you standing here for?" turning around, he sees Elizabeth has her hand out, ready to take his. "What? I'm not gonna wear makeup again."

"My Lord, you dabble with the affairs of a Noble. You must also learn to wear makeup regularly. Didn't you see the Nobles of Rose all wearing makeup?"

"Look, I live in the modern world. We won't wear makeup anymore."

"Well My Lord, you aren't in your modern world right now aren't you?"

He immediately facepalms. "Tsk, I guess that one's on me for walking into that without thinking properly."

"Bahahahaha! You are so easy, My Lord! But come on! I think I know a good foundation for your dry skin."

He starts looking around and just as he is about to give up, a girlish scream emits from his left. "UWAAAAH! It's her again!" Elizabeth quickly turns to her left to see the same woman she encountered on the rocky mountainside parking lot. Now wearing very short leather pants, the ponytailed woman jumps her and hugs the blondie. "Just what is your secret? Can you tell me? Do you pair it with exercise and yoga?"

Elizabeth once again is left without a method to fight back as a barrage of questions was sent her way and the ponytailed woman with a small slender frame attached herself to the Vampire.

Just as she was about to shake her off, a punch comes flying from the ponytailed woman's back. The greaves of a bulky Knight, the same one that stopped her from before was present with her. "I apologize again, for her. She's a fashion designer and makeup artist you see. She kinda does this even back on Earth." Bowing repeatedly, he takes the woman by her collar and forces her to stand next to him and bow alongside.

"Dude, just what is up with her? Assaulting women randomly is not good."

"I know... but my wife is just that type of weird."

"What? I am not weird!"

"Yes you are. Now go. I'll wait here."

Elizabeth on the other hand disappeared like a passing thought. She didn't even notice the air around her getting disturbed as she could see the top of the blonde woman deep within the crowd, at the very front checking out various cosmetics. "UWAWAWA~ Its Bahamut!" with extreme athleticism, the girl handstands and then using her hands alone, jumps into the front of the crowd.

Meanwhile, the armored husband sat next to Jackson. The two bumping fists as they both crumpled their feet back and hugged them. The two looked like the disabled beggars from before but with proper armor and clothing.

"This is going to take long, isn't it?"

"You betcha'. I'm surprised you have the patience to take care of four women."

"I actually don't. But it is what it is."

They both then unanimously turned to the carriage and could see that Alana had gotten to the back and had on her hand, which she held with two fingers elegantly was a small wand. She'd apply make up on herself and then would use it to clean her face. Wiping it of all its cosmetics. Even then, Jackson was impressed by her looks. Even without her usual minor powdering, her skin still seems to be glowing and without the mascara she usually wore only made her look more innocent, at a glance, she'd seem to be a harmless woman of glass and slender fragility.

He had to acclimate himself to the fact that is not the truth and she is a death machine if left unchecked as a cape brushes past behind him and a Witch wearing a tall conical hat walks up to the crowd. With puffy gold and green at the tips of her hair, she got into the mix as the player next to Jackson noticed the Magic Circle drawn into her cloth.

Army of the DamnedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon