VOLUME 12 Chapter 8

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Looking at the Armor of Sir Beadot on the Monument, underneath the chainmail was a heavy rubberized suit as depicted in the well maintained statue, the only thing being cared for in the entire place.

Painted nicely and looked after, the statue was in full color. With a polished metal and a design akin to that of a Mana crystal power armor with a flourishing cape with a Claymore and a Broadsword, the color of the two made Jackson reach out to it.

"Judas and Arondight... Jesus."

"My Lord, are you sure Sir Beadot is one of you?"

"I am super sure. That purple broadsword, Arondight, is one of the most sought after blades in the entire community. One that can bring down even flying Dragon Gods to the ground without having to use a crap ton of magic and dealing unimaginable damage to Dragon type enemies. He's even using a late game Mana Crystal powered Plate armor."

"Huh, and has this weapon ever been used to fight Bahamut?"

"No. I guess Beadot was transported here four years ago in Earth time. If he was still active when Bahamut's event came, he would've used that to ground her. Imagine that..." He then swipes the plaque on the base of the monument. "But it says here, thousands of years had already passed, and the Curate Empire long extinct."

"M'Lord, if I may?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Why are the Gods so enamored by your kind? What's so special about Earth?"

"I-i don't know. Like Hell I'd know what's so special with the planet I came from that we keep getting sent here."

"Hmph... whatever it is, this must be the biggest summon yet. I wonder which Gods are responsible for this. Bahamut, may you answer that or give insight?"

"Idunno. All I knew was that it was a clean transport. The portals used were direct contact. That means our souls and bodies were moved without needing a physical door to your world. Master, you remember that day, right? No portals or lightning. Just us suddenly here."

"Hm. It was just all of the sudden. We were in the Checkpoint to City Zero One and some natives came to us with a carriage and a child. When we were returning to the airport, the ocean was now a large lake covered by mountains. I didn't feel anything at all."

"See, so this might be all of the known Gods working together. It's far too clean, even I didn't notice till it was too late."

"Wait, but Dragon, the known Gods are ten. So ten Gods all banded together and teleported millions of outsiders to our world in one day?"

"One second, Bloodsucker." Bahamut then glides to the statue and sniffs around it. Crawling up and down its concrete structure and licking some parts of it. "Nonetheless, this person is gone now. Better move on. The Gods of your world have some grand plan and it's painfully obvious. Master?"

"Yeah... just wait a sec. I just can't grasp that a person of my world managed to do such things. Elizabeth, how many Elves died?"

"Directly? If my memory serves me right. It should be ten to twelve million with quadruple the number wounded and injured."

"And Indirectly?"

"Billions mayhaps."

"Jesus. I can't believe this. Some player, probably living in an apartment, managed to topple the kill count of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao in another world... just what monster must you be to be filled with so much rage like that."

"M'Lord, this is from the texts I've read but it is said Sir Beadot could've been born here, in Geraldia. In the land known as Avaria and was born as a servant to a lowly Elven Lord."

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