VOLUME 7 Chapter 2

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It was already night and Bahamut just finished taking a bath. Wearing a Ghostly White Nightgown, the woman walked along the quiet hallway. As she arrives at the West wing with her Master's Armor guarding it on a stand, she notices a pretty pink flower on a vase. Seeing that there was no one else. She leaned in to take a sniff and absolutely loved it. After three seconds of waiting and thinking. The beautiful ghostly woman with her pale white skin takes a bite, exposing her dragon fangs as she munches at the flowers.

Out of luck, A random human maid of the Manor sees her eating the flower.

"OH MY! Your Divine! Please don't eat that!"

She rushes in, hugging the Dragon God from behind and trusting backward. Bahamut on the other hand was as solid as a statue and wasn't moving an inch as she munched faster in defiance.

"Your Divine! Please! That's a very rare Peony flower that's not natural to Schon! Lady Minuit had to buy it from a Merchant in Gareth!"

"Unhand me at once! I just wanted to taste it since I am now in human form! My Master told me I am not allowed to eat flowers in Dragon form, but now that I am in this, I SHALL EAT IT!"


"Let me go human! Let me eat this!"

The rampant and chaotic scene then stops as Bahamut feels something from her throat. And all of the sudden, she cutely coughs out the flower and her eyes widen at the embarrassing sight.

"Ahem, ahem. Be on your way now human. I shall be with my Master."

Pretending like nothing happened, the woman was once again back to her Masters room, she started reading while enjoying a cup of coffee. Constantly peeking over to Paul who was fast asleep under three layers of blankets as she constantly remembers how she coughed out an entire flower in front of a human. She'd also see if the blood was dropping properly and regularly checks his temperature and heart beat. After a while, she gets worried as the two Vampires still weren't home.

After a few more hours and the Moon and its small satellite which was oddly coloured red that night was right above the Manor, the bored Bahamut heads down to the kitchen. Planning on eating some pork when a Maid comes in, shocked by the woman in a ghostly look as if she came from a horror story.

"Oh, a human."

"Y-your Divine. What're you doing here?"

"Looking for food. Those two bloodsuckers are late."

"Oh, well if you ever need to. Please just request from one of the Servants. We'd be glad to be of service."

"Well, Master always said it's better to do things by yourself than let others do it. But, since I am busy looking over his health and I do not know how to cook since I can eat raw meat. Please cook me a good steak. Well made and don't be lax with the herbs."

"Of course."

As the maid prepares the ingredients and takes out the meat from the salt barrel, Bahamut looks around the well tiled kitchen and its properly stocked cabinets and knives.

"Tell me, how does Alana treat human servants like you?"

"Oh, the Lady? She is very indifferent to us. Usually, human servants kept under a Vampire would be turned by their Masters in old age. But as you see. Lady Minuit has only turned two of us."

"Really now? Why does one Vampire do that?"

"It's more of a tradition. After a certain servant has reached an age where they start producing wrinkles and becoming old. Vampire Lords and Masters would usually turn them into Vampires as a reward for their service."

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