VOLUME 7 Chapter 1

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After feeding her Master, Bahamut goes to the room adjacent to his and looks through her stuff. She finds the book she requested from Alana, which is a translation of English to Romanz named "How To Vampire Language for Dummies - Kingdom of Rose and its many Dialects" by a person named "SERANABESTGIRL" and heads back to her Masters room. Removing her Crown, and opening an Oil Lamp by flicking her finger, lighting the candle inside. She opens the book with a paper and a red pen and starts practicing the language.

Soon after, she fell asleep and woke up in the dead of night on the chair, hearing noises in the hallway. The woman still in her funeral gown looked out and could see Alana in her white nightwear and slippers. Entering her office with coffee in hand, slouching and looking tired. Seeing that her Master is safe and comfy, she leaves the room in search of things to eat. Little to her knowledge was that Alana also heard her movements and was stalking her through the Manor as the Dragon God with her defenses down rummaged through their food cellar.


Hearing this, Bahamut freezes in her position, her busty butt out as half of her slim body is inside the cellar.

"O-Oh no! I seem to have found myself stuck!"

"Cut it Bahamut, I know you were trying to eat food again... hah... why can't you be just like the Queen? Already sound asleep?"

"W-Well... you see Alana, my bloodsucking friend. As a Dragon in human form, I am still used to an appetite of my big dragon form! Yes, so-"

"You're just a glutton aren't you?"

"O-ohhhh... yes..."

"Hah, I know you were troublesome, but to think M'Lord had to put up with this. Come with me to my office. I have some questions to ask about the Outworlders."

"Does that mean I'm off the hook?"

A few minutes later in Alana's library, she pulls out a large book that pertains to the history of Threa and its people. The wrinkly book has seen better days and has been collecting dust in the higher shelves of her large collection. The two then walk to the tables where the Countess presses a button that lights up a table lamp.

"Ohhhhh... is this using the same technology in the Kingdom of James? I've only seen gems being used as a source of light from there."

"Yes, but on a smaller scale. Most of the lights of this Manor are like this, except for the ones outside the gates, which are iron oil lamps."

"I see, you bloodsuckers are pretty smart."

She then opens the book which has over a thousand pages and is written in new and old Dragonian.

"Here, look over here Bahamut. Can you tell me what this excerpt exactly means?"

"On the Third Day with Sir James, he noted how the humans of this world were far too weak and will soon be wiped out unless the magic they use are more powerful and potent, though I first held off his suggestion on the fact that humans physically are far too weak and hold far too Mana to actually be of use in combat.

He said that there is another way, to harness the Mana around us and instead use it to fight the Elves. But sadly, such magic is hard to grasp and let alone employed in mass. Hence he started creating these Scrolls with the Great Legendary Mage with him. Years after as I write this, I do say that I was wrong and Sir James was correct, when the High Elves attacked and invaded Dragovh once again, if it weren't from him and his allies from another world, we would've long been perished.

Page 531"

"Hmmmm... scrolls... Oh, though there are theories, I humbly would like to know more. If true, then our worlds must've been connected before."

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