A Series Of Unfortunate Events / Chapter One

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I'm sorry but if you're looking for a nice happy love story, this is not the story for you. Nothing about the upcoming events in my life is going to be 'happy' or 'nice'. Let's start with an introduction. Hi, my name me is Y/n L/n, and if you want a good night's rest or a good upcoming day without having to feel terrible about all that's to happen, I recommend you leave now.

    Are they gone? Good. Let's start from the day it all went down, May Eleventh, 2022.

-Y/n's POV-

   I yawn as the light from the sun leaks through the blinds of my room, the sound of cars outside, and the smell of waffles. I rub my eyes, slip on my slippers, and open the door of my room to see my mom standing behind the counter making breakfast. "Good morning mom." I manage to get out between another yawn. She turns to me and smiles. "Y/n good morning!" Carefully, she turns the stove off and places the plate of waffles on the counter before she comes over to me and hugs me. "How did you sleep last night?" I smile as I embrace her love and hum into her shoulder. "I make waffles!!" She sings as she lets go and shows me the plate on the table.

Beside the plate there's a glass of orange juice but, I don't see any food for her. "Mom, where's your food?" She sighs "I'm sorry hunny but I have to go to work, maybe we'll eat together tonight?" I feel my chest sink in disappointment "Okay..." She places a hand on my face "Hey I know it sucks hon, I promise I'll make it up to you." I smile at her and lean my head into her hand "I'll hold you to that." We stay like that for a bit until she goes and grabs her bag. "I'm off to work now. Remember honey," "Never leave the door unlocked." we both say. She places a kiss on my forehead. "I love you, sweetheart." I smile at her "I love you too mom." And with that, she's off to work.

    About an hour later I'm off to school. Not wanting to be late or get stopped by anyone wanting to talk, I open my window and slide out down the stairs to my black Harvey with my backpack on my shoulders. "Alright girl, let's get to school."

    Once at school I park my Harvey next to the bikes and head inside and when I do, I see Monty. Monty is not only one of the lead members of the infamous purple dragons, he's my boyfriend. Cool right? Anyways as soon as he sees me he smiles, runs up to me, and kisses me. I smile and hold close to him as he does but eventually, we break apart. "Morning babe." He says, I look him in his fiery amber eyes "Good morning darling." He ruffles my hair "Are you coming to the meeting later on today?" I nod happily just to be included. "What would you guys do without your kick-ass bodyguard?"

You see, ever since Monty and I started dating, I've been helping out the Purple Dragons by making sure unwanted guests don't try and get in and making sure their "high tech" stuff is safe. The reason I say it's high tech with quotation marks is that while yeah, it's impressive, my mom could make stuff a thousand times better in half the time they can make their stuff and her tech savvy-ness passed on to the one, and only, me! I tried talking to Monty about it and the inventions I make but Monty being Monty doesn't really care.

Okay I know that sounds bad because 'boyfriends should care and listen to you when you talk' and all that but he's not that bad. I mean sure, sometimes he loses his temper and yells or even worse sometimes gets violent and he's done some stuff to me in the past that isn't so good but, he's not that bad! He's just misunderstood.

"Right. I'll see you at 5 then I have uh-" he pauses for a moment looking nervous "Chem! I have chemistry. Bye" and with that, he's off once more. I sigh, Chem doesn't start for another 30 minutes but whatever. I mentally smack myself as I realize what I'm doing. Knock it off Y/n! He probably just wants to get there early. It's not like he's cheating on you or anything! Yeah, let's just get our books out of our locker and get to Trigonometry.

As I'm walking to my locker, I bump into a girl with a curly bun and a green jacket carrying books well, not anymore oops. "Ah sorry about that here let me help you!" I lean down and get her books for her and when I come back up, she smiles at me. "Thanks, I'm April." I hand her books to her. "Y/n and don't worry about it. Hey, don't we have technology together?" She thinks of a moment. "Oh yeah!" I smile at her "Well, in that case, I'll see you then." As I start to walk towards my locker, she grabs my arm "Hey! Uh I know it's pretty weird since this is the first time, we've had an actual conversation but uh, can I get your number? I could use some normal friends." Normal? Eh, whatever. "Sure here." We exchange phones and then we give our phones back to each other. "See you in tech," I say waving as I walk off.

-April's POV-

"See you in tech," Y/n says as he waves and walk away. "See you then!!" I yell out at him. Wait till the boys get a load of this! And they said I couldn't make normal friends!

-Y/n's POV-

   Finally! The bell rings as I make my way to the library. I can't believe they're including me in a meeting! Maybe they want to talk about my tech!!! When I get there, I see Monty, Jason, Jeremy, and Kendra. I wave over to them and run to where they're sitting. Kendra looks up from her phone. "Oh, good you're here. We got something really important for you to do tonight." My eyes light up. "Really?! What is it?!" She looks back down at her phone "There's this crystal we have in a warehouse that's like reaaaally important and like we need someone to protect it so like since you're the bodyguard you can do that." I feel my heart sink "O-oh okay." Jeremy hands her a piece of gum. "Good. I sent you the address and yeah." I feel my phone buzz. "Is there anything else? Like maybe something with tech you want to talk about?" She looks up at me. "Uh, no? Now shoo we're doing high-tech stuff, you wouldn't understand." I nod and leave.

  When I get outside the library I kick at the tiles. " 'You wouldn't understand' Maybe if you would actually listen to me and what I say you'd know I do." I sigh "Positive think positive. You get to make sure a crystal stays safe whoo." I look at my phone. I need to get suited up.

   When I get home, I put on my dragon mask and my light protection pads to keep my arms, legs, stomach, and chest safer from attacks. I also put on my purple dragons jacket because, of course! I'm a part of the team!

I also grab my tech hockey stick. You see, it was just a normal hockey stick but when I got my gig as a bodyguard for the Purple Dragons, I knew I'd need it to be something that actually does damage I mean, who fights with a normal hockey stick? Anyways, after I grab my tech hockey stick, THS for short, I leave my apartment and close the door heading to where the crystal is.

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