The Office

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It all had started, a normal work day. Didn't seem too bad now, did it? Well, things got everyone in that office knows: don't step foot in my penthouse of one. Not for anything, unless given permission.

And that's when...


The little woman caught herself on my desk, half naked, to be exact. She was in complete shock, scurrying around like a scared animal.

"I...I just wanted to use your printer, sir."

"Ha! That's what they all say. Plenty of others around the workplace."

"But yours is the best one..."

"I don't care. And put some clothes on, for crying out loud..."

She completely disregards my demand and only inches closer. "Come on, Mr. can't resist this..."



She puts her finger to my lips, where I could clearly tell she'd been fingering herself. Slowly, those remaining bits of clothing come off of her, and she's all mine.

I then get a bright idea. Instead of admiring a naked little baby in front of me, why not play a game? My clothing comes off quickly as well, and her eyes widen so fast. Her hands go for my cock, but I slap them away from it. "No. Not yet. For invading my office, I must punish you first...oh, I wish I had something to hold you down, but oh well." I enter her and move as fast as humanly possible, scratching at her skin with my nails, making that message go through to her.

She's moaning and groaning through the mix of pain and pleasure, and it was about this point that I realized it...I like her. I always have, I just never have been strong enough to tell her. Now may just be the time, as I feel her twitching and squirming and eventually, a burst of cum shoots out from both of us.

"Wow..." We both manage.

I look at her once more. "I've liked you...for a while now...I suppose I was just in a bad mood this morning, or I didn't know who exactly was in my office."

Her face lights up. "I adore you, Michael. I have for a long time. I felt as though I could never tell you, and I've been secretly doing that for years...I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? That's sexy..." I kiss her quite passionately, falling onto the floor behind the desk.

"I want a round two with you, Michael."

"You most certainly can have it." I confidently say as I enter her once again, only to be stopped by yet other office intruder.


"Sir, I just need to print something and yours gives the best quality."

"Ugh, I'm sick of people saying that! There's your paper, take it! And get out!"

"Um, sir, you've got work to do...and what's that sound? It's like a little moan or something..."

"What? I don't hear anything."

I was clearly lying. I knew that my baby girl was fingering herself next to me and was on the verge of completion.

"Uh...anyway, out of my office! Now! I'll get to the work later, ok?"

The man sighed and closed the door, leaving me alone with my baby girl at last, where I saw the strings of cum on her finger from her playtime. I sucked it off, hungrily, arising a new problem.

"Ooh...someone needs help. Why don't you let me?"

Let's just say, no work was completed that day...

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