Crazy Bitch. (Maxx)

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I smiled at him. A knock heard from the door downstairs had us panicked.

¨It is okay, I will go see who it is. Stay here alright?" Damien smiled.

¨Okay I will.¨ I hugged him before letting go.

He let me go after a long minute, he headed downstairs and I decided to just sit on my phone. I sat down near the edge of my bed when I got a text from one of my friends. It read.

                                                                                               Ryan 5:40 PM: I am sorry to inform you, I am Ryan                                                                                                                              's mother, he sadly passed a few                                                                                                                                     days ago, and it will take some time                                                                                                                                to recover, we are sorry to bring                                                                                                                                      this news to you today.

I was shocked, a tear rolled down my face as I stared at my phone.

Maxx 5:45 PM: Oh, okay. Please tell me how he died.

                                                                                               Ryan 5:49: He died because he committed suicide.

I sat staring at my phone, I could have helped him. A deep hatred filled me as I got up to see who was at the door. I walked downstairs holding back my tears as I saw my mother at the door smiling.

¨So you think you can run away and I won't find you?¨ She asked.

¨I knew you would, but you kicked me out.¨ I corrected her.

¨Can you stop lying?¨ She asked.

¨I am not.¨ I slammed the door in her face.

She kicked it back open letting herself in.

She opened the door letting herself inside. I looked at Damien.

¨Please get out.¨ He asked.

¨I want my son.¨ She dragged me out.

She pulled me into the car by my ear as Damien ran out yelling at her.


¨He is not gay! You are just fucking around with his brain!¨ She yelled back.

Damien ripped open the door to where I was sitting and tried to grab me away from her.

¨Fuck no!¨ She screamed.

She drove off as he pulled me out of her car.

¨Oh, My, God!¨ I fell to my knees breathing heavily.

¨What the fuck is you're moms problem?¨ Damien asked.

¨She hates that I am gay, and with you.¨ I replied.

He looked at me upsettingly and kneeled.

¨I am sorry.¨ I sighed.

¨For?¨ He asked.

¨Getting you into this mess? I didn't mean for this to happen.¨ I burst into tears.

"Hey, Maxx? It isn't you're fault? Your mom might just miss you, okay?" He reassured me.

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