Micheal..? (Damien)

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Later that night as I walked home, I couldn't help the feeling Maxx yet again was being attacked just because of me. I continued to walk home as I usually did after school unless doing stuff with Maxx. But I felt weird about it. Like something was not right.

¨Mcgregor Street. Corey. Ah. Alright then.¨ I murmured to myself.

As I walked, the chains on my waist continued clanging together. It was annoying but that's what you get for being emo.

I walked down Taggart Road as I turned down Queenston to my house. I opened the door as it was getting late.

I spent hours with Maxx so I was quite exhausted afterward.

I tried opening the door to the house, but the door was locked. I checked under some soil in the plant we sometimes put the key into, but it had been missing as well. I looked around to see if anyone was looking but to my surprise, I saw Zach in the bushes watching me with a sort of weird-ass grin on his face.

¨Can I help you?¨I asked awkwardly.

¨Yeah. Give me all you got.¨ He smirked.

¨Oh fuck off Zach.¨ I blushed slightly, thinking of Maxx.

¨What? You wanna go around fucking Maxx and expect me not to want you in me too? I heard you are good at it. I pressured that boyfriend of yours into telling me everything.¨

I looked at him furiously.

¨Why? And why the fuck would I fuck you when you know I have a boyfriend?¨ I asked.

¨Well. If he didn't he would be killed and have you badly hurt. Just like the car incident. And I would tell everyone about you and him too, just to make your life a living hell.¨ He grinned.

¨And.¨ He pressed his finger on my lips.

¨Sh. I am speaking.¨ He continued.

¨I wanna fuck you because~ Hm. Why do I? OH YEAH! Because I wanna feel every inch of you.¨ He burst out laughing.

¨Okay. Not funny. Come inside and we can talk shit out.¨ I demanded.

¨No. I wanna talk here in front of my friends.¨ He smirked.

¨Fine. We can.¨ I looked at them.

¨Do shit to Maxx and see how easily your death will be.¨ I announced.

¨Actually. Slow and painful.¨ I continued.

¨Okay. Jeez. Let me come inside.¨ He tried opening my door.

¨Goodbye.¨ I looked at him furiously.

¨Okay. Okay, lover boy. We're gone.¨ He ran down the stairs to his friend.

¨Thanks.¨ I reached under my doormat to grab the key, which to my surprise yet again was not there.

¨Fucking hell.¨ I said furiously.

I pounded on the door a few times before some girl answered the door.

¨Hello?¨ She asked.

No fucking wonder shit was misplaced. This isn't even my mother.

¨Wheres is the fucking key?¨ I asked letting myself in.

¨LEAVE NOW!¨ She demanded.

¨eave my fucking HOUSE NOW.¨ I demanded back.

Surprised she bowed and left.

¨Fuck you, ugly ass bitch.¨ I scoffed.

I turned and saw my mom standing there.

¨Micheal?¨ She asked.

¨No Mom. Damien.¨ I replied.

¨ Your name Micheal. End of discussion. You don't need to change your name to something that'll never happen. I got you your surgery. I got ur Testosterone Micheal. Go to bed.¨ She asked.

¨MOM. MICHEAL IS DEAD.¨ I shouted.


¨Yes?¨ She smiled.

¨Take your meds, Mom. Micheals dead. The surgery killed him. You know this.¨ I got all teary-eyed, as I sat down.

¨Oh Damien. I am sorry.¨ She sighed as she came over and hugged me tightly.

¨Mom. Please stop bringing Michie into our conversations.¨ I asked.

¨Okay dear. I am sorry.¨ She sighed.

¨It's okay.¨ I stood up and I walked over to the kitchen.

I grabbed a drink and made some ramen then headed upstairs to my room.

I was slowly passing out before...

IF THIS GETS OUTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें