Start from the beginning

''I am glad you liked it.I got it all furnished again just like you like.can't really give my daughter a chance to complaint about anything'' He laughed. I swear I could see him smiling proudly.

''You are the bestest Dad in the whole world,but now I gotta go,I need to get ready for school.Can't really get late on the very first day''

''Best of luck for your first day and Sam too,I hope you make some new friend's'' He replied.

''Dad you know I don't like making new friend's.Besides i got Sam but I will try,now bye'' I replied quickly and went to get ready.



*In the kitchen*

''So did he call back?'' Sam asked while popping some berries into her mouth.

''Yes Sam,you know he was just worried sick, but I reassured him. He's a dad, you know how they are and he asked me to make new friends'' I laughed.

Truth was,I didn't like other people,I found them annoying.VERY annoying.

''Well what if we find good friends?''

I watched her with a disappointing look.

''You think so? I don't think we ever will...Sam the only people we can rely upon here are just two of us,and I think you know that,and I think you know why I am saying this. Everyone else is just...noise.'' I said while packing my lunch for school.Just some fruits,can't say lunch exactly.

''I know Y/N,and you are right.I was just joking''

'' Well, at least it's not as noisy as your snoring last night'' Sam joked.

'' Well, atleast I can sleep through anything unlike you, tossing and turning all night.'' I scoffed.

'' Hey, I don't toss and turn! I am just preparing for a zombie apocalypse, you know, staying alert'' She replied with a proud smile.

'' I hope your zombie survival skills are better than your sleeping skills'' I added, making her  more annoyed.

'' You win this round, Y/N'' Sam replied crossing her arms over her chest.

'' That's right, victory tastes sweet'' I smiled cheekily.

'' Ya know, I was just joking. You fully roasted me.'' Sam said while looking offended.

''You better not joke like this from now on Sam'' I smiled,sarcastically.

''Got it ma'm,Now let's go,I think we are already late'' She said while pointing towards the clock.

'' Looks like we are fashionably late for our grand entrance on the first day'' I laughed.

'' Well at least we are making a grand entrance.'' Sam joined in.

'' Yea, I am sure the Principal will love it'' I added, but then I saw the time again, we were definitely too late today.

''Shit Sam!I can't afford to spoil our image on the first day.Remember good nice girls?'' I said and head out to take out my car,Sam behind rushing and locking the house.

''Yes good nice girls,how can I forget that?'' She laughed while getting in.

The whole ride was us just chatting about the buildings we passed by,Woodsboro was beautiful,I wonder what the people are like.


The Woodsboro High School's parking was filled with every sort of student,from a nerd to punks.Their faces and clothes told their stories.

I was examining the environment when Sam gasped.

''What is it? You saw a ghost?'' I asked while trying to find our classes.

'' Please, you wish I saw a ghost!'' She rolled her eyes.

''I forgot my books,that's why I was wondering why my backpack felt so light'' She said with a nervous laugh.

'' Seriously? How do you forget your books on the very first day? Smooth move, genious,just so good of you.Now spend the whole day wandering around,I can't help you with this''

" Hey, it happens to the best of us, okay? Don't act like you have never had a brain fart. And what about being good girls Y/N?'' she said

I swear to God she was mocking me.The thing which she can't understand,why we are PRETENDING to be good girls is that because we are new and I don't want anyone to find us weird or suspicious.

'' I am sorry, did I forget to hold your hand too? You know what Sam? Help your way around the school for today, I want to study'' I said while plastering a stupid smirk on my face.

I was going to turn around,but accidently bumped into someone.I caught a glimpse of his face but couldn't afford to say sorry or anything as I was late for my class.So I just left.


I was panicking,Y/N just left me here alone,this wasn't new,she was just like that,and I loved her for being like the way she is,but right now I had bigger problems.

I was lost in my thoughts when a voice snapped me out of them.

''Hey you ok?'' The guy asked.

I don't know how to describe him,he looked clever and smart from his eyes,and maybe he was the funny guy,but maybe it was too soon to judge him.

''UH- HI!'' I smiled sheepishly.

''You don't look ok,and new too'' He smiled back.

''Actually you're right on both,I am in need of some help,and I am new'' I tried to build some confidence and failed.

'' Oh,Welcome to Woodsboro high School'' He said while rolling his eyes,looked like he hated the place.

''Thanks i guess?'' I answered awkwardly.

''So what help do you need?I am all ears'' He smiled.

''I Uh-left my books,so I have nothing to read from,but I don't think you can help me with this'' I smiled nervously.


''Oh,don't worry,you can always borrow from me or my friends'' He said laughing.

''Are you sure?''

I was surprised.This guy was nice,otherwise nowadays,students don't really care much about new students.Last time when we were in Windsor,I remember the unpleasent experience I went through.The students were too rude and the place itself was so boring.I think I like Woodsboro more.

''Yea i mean i love helping people in need,besides you need some guidance to this school'' He offered, to which I couldn't deny,so I went with him.

Y/N' POV ☎️🔪

I wonder how Sam is doing,I am worried about her,not because she forgot her books but because I hope she doesn't pull out some shit.Like she did in windsor.Her one stupid mistake was the probable reason we got kicked out,before even doing anything there.Woodsboro is a nice place that I don't want to lose it,not this time.

It was lunch time and Sam was nowhere to be seen.I tried calling her but her phone wasn't responding.

''I swear to god sam! Where the fuck are you?'' I murmured.Some students were eyeing me probably because right now my face looked like a tomato,because of the anger.Yes!I have anger issues.

I tried finding her but she was nowhere to be seen in the school hall,there was no one I could ask from about her whereabouts,so I thought of checking the park.

It was a sunny day. The park of Woodsboro High school bathed in sunlight, with students scattered across the grass.The sound of laughter and conversation filled the air.

I scanned the whole area,then I saw someone looking like Sam,sitting with a group of students.Wait,it was Sam?

A/N:I know my writing is not that descriptive,but I promise to improve.Anyways,I am enjoying writing this,see you in next one. And please vote,it really helps!

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