He charmed it to 98.6 degrees and then bottle fed Teddy in the rocking chair whilst he ate some leftover pizza that he'd bought for lunch earlier that day.

Once the two had finished their dinner and Teddy was burped and changed into his pajamas, Isaac walked upstairs to the nursery which had a theme surrounded by the woods with a moon and stars mutual on the ceiling where the stars were charmed to blink.

This was to give Teddy a taste of the wild.

To satisfy his inner wolf.

They'd found out that Teddy was extra energetic on full moons and turned into a small wolf during that time.

Luckily, Isaac's Animagus was a wolf so it was easy to keep up with the pup.

Isaac set Teddy down in the crib, making sure to cover him up with his baby blanket and place a monitoring charm on the boy so that he knew if something was bothering the baby.

He walked to his room and got changed before heading to bed himself.

After all, tomorrow would be a busy day.

His first day of muggle high school. Having attended primary school back in England to satisfy Ted's dream of his children having a muggle and magical life.


At the Cullen household it was just a regular Sunday evening.

Everyone was doing their own things.

Edward was playing piano, Esme was humming along and flipping through decoration catalogs, Rosalie was flipping through a cars magazine, Emmett and Charlie(Charlotte) were playing video games, Jasper was reading a history book, Carlisle was looking over some surgical cases, and Alice was looking through the latest fashion magazine when suddenly she dropped it and went startlingly still.

Everything stopped as if time had frozen, suddenly Jasper was at Alice's side and Edward was trying to look into Alice's thoughts only to come up blank which confused him.

Alice was at Forks high school in the parking lot when suddenly an impala pulled into the parking lot.

She could see her siblings looking at the car in confusion when the door opened.

She turned to see if she could see who it was when suddenly her vision switched over to Rosalie in her first period class.

Which happened to be Calculus.

Rosalie was sitting down at her usual desk when the classes attention was stolen by the door opening, Alice again got frustrated as she couldn't see who it was, but seeing Rosalie sit ram rod straight caught her attention.

It seemed as if Rosalie was completely frozen, throwing off her act as a human if anyone were paying attention to her, which they weren't.

Rosalie whispered too quietly for any human to here "mine." Their was a hint of possessiveness to her voice. Something that Alice didn't expect.

But then again, all vampires are a bit possessive of their territory, of their mates...

Oh! Oh, it's Rosalie's mate!

This was fantastic! Alice internally squealed.

Rosalie had been alone for awhile, so hopefully her mate would bring her happiness in all forms.

Alice was suddenly aware of her surroundings again.

Alice blinked to regain her bearings and then smiled so large that the rest of her family felt as if they needed to look away.

"Alice, what did you see?" Edward asked before anyone else could, a look of frustration on his face.

All heads whipped towards Edward at his question.

"You couldn't see it?" Carlisle asked in concern.

Usually Edward could see what Alice saw in her visions.

So why couldn't he now?

"No, I couldn't see. It was like there was a wall in her mind blocking me from the vision, but as soon as it ended I could hear her thoughts again." Edward said.

"My vision was weird as well. I couldn't see the person's face. But I know they're important." Alice said.

"Tell us what you saw." Esme said with a motherly smile on her face.

Alice hummed. "Well at first it started off at the school's parking lot.

A nice car came in, a Chevy Impala I think." Alice said.

Rosalie hummed her approval which got Alice to smile.

"Then the person exited the car. But the vision suddenly changes and I'm in Rosalie's calculus class. Everything is normal until the door opens and then the mystery person walks in, again I can't see the person as they're a blur. But I can see that they're very important to Rosalie. I think it might be her mate." Alice said with an excited grin.

People exclaim in shock or let smiles fall to their faces.

Meanwhile Rosalie's inner thoughts are all over the place.

Only settling on one thing.

"Are they human?" Rosalie asked with a bit of hesitation in her voice.

When she imagined meeting her mate, she had hoped they would already be a vampire. She never wanted to drag a human into her immortal life since she had no choice in it and wouldn't choose it if given the choice.

"I don't think so. I mean, there has to be a reason I can't see them. They have to be something. We'll just have to wait and see tomorrow, which is when this person should be here." Alice said.

The family was a bit tense and yet happy after that.

Though Edward sighed.

He wished it would be his turn sometime soon.

He'd seen everyone find their mate so far, except for him and Rosalie, now she might find her own mate and he'd be alone once again.

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