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(Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord

oh god, oh god, oh god)

i am all lone

my heart is thrown in an empty room

but you wouldn't come with the cure

you painted my world with all of your flaws

and now i am all sure that you forget about me

you left me in piecies and you burnt me down

2 years of love and the next 3 years of relation

you loosed control over your temptation

3 years with your girl congratulations

did you ever thought about me?

when she's sleeping in the bed i made

when she's playing the game i made

does it mean that you forgot about me??


when she's laughing in the joke i made

when she's taking the notes i send

does it mean that you forgot about me??

did you really (really) forgot about me?

now when i walk pass by you

all those moments we had flash backs into

the girl you're with now

she's coping me in everyway she can

but for you she's perfect for the whole time

(but she'll never be perfect (is never perfect )for you the whole time)

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