Welcome to the gang oliver

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" Hey Y/n, are you coming to the pub later with us today?", Felix asked on the phone. I giggled before I said," of course I am". He laughed at the other end of the phone, " good see you later" as he clicked the call off.

I did some school work in the main time to pass the time. Every time I took a break and looked out of the window I saw the sun going down more and more.
Shit! I need to be there in like 30 minutes. I felt adrenaline in my body as I ran to the shower and felt the water rushing down on me. As soon as I was done I changed into a some black tights that went down to my knees and the same denim mini skirt that I had on the last party, I put on a navy blue ambicrombe top that was long sleeved that had buttons around the chest. Shit shit shit bullocks! I need to be there in 15 minutes!!
I ran as fast as I could and took my small bag and put on my uggs with my jacket. I then ran to the buss station and took the bus to the pub.

" oh my gosh sorry guy that I'm late, I tried to get her as fast as possibly could!", I said while trying to catch my breath.
They all laughed at me and smiled sweetly, at least Felix, Annabelle and Fairleigh.
" no worries", Annabelle said as she gave me a hug. Felix slammed the seat in between him and Annabelle, " Y/n here". I laughed and took a seat in between them.
" let my buy you a drink ", a random guy said. I nodded. " sure, go ahead".
" you know, he will expect or at least try to get you to suck him. Just keep that in mind ", Fairleigh said. I nodded and stayed quiet. Fuck that guy! There's no way I'm going to fuck him or let him touch any part of me. Too bad for him!
" here ladies", the guy said as he came with to two drinks. I guess he tried to get with Annabelle too. Hm. What an idiot haha.
I smiled kindly and said," oh wow thank you, that was very generous of you". The guy winks at us and says," of course. Anything for two beautiful ladies".
Me and Annabelle starts to laugh. " then stay away from our pants and don't try to get things further", I say confidently. " I wasn't even trying", the guy said unhappily as he walked away.
" idiot", Annabelle said as we drank the shots together. Yum, this one actually tasted good.
" here Y/n it's your turn" Felix said as he gave me a paper role and a metal paper with something inside of it. I looked confused.
" here let me show you", Annabelle said as she took and snorted half of the coce. I smiled. I then repeated what she did. Everyone around the table shouted.
" pay me back later, yeah ?", Felix said cheekily. I nodded while I laughed.

" oh my gosh Ollie!", Felix said happily. The guy looked towards us. We were all a little bit waisted. The others looked confused while I smiled like an idiot.
" come here, take a seat here !", he shouted as he made space in between me and him. I waved to him. Ha went closer towards us. " Ollie it's been so long, how are you?!", I said happily. He smiled awkwardly as he took a seat.
" it's good thank you", he said awkwardly. I touched his hair while I gave him a kiss on the cheek, " isn't this guy adorable ", I said while giggling hysterically.
Some people were rude idiots and shaked their head while others laughed awkwardly.
" This is the guy that I talked about, that saved me earlier ", Felix said while taking a hold of Oliver's shoulder. Oliver smiled like an idiot.
" Hi ", all of us said. I was a little high so I laughed a little too much. Some people looked at me wiredly but I didn't really care.
" here it's your round man", Fairleigh said. Oliver shaked his head.  " I should go to bed", Oliver said as he looked at all of us. I looked at him sadly as he looked into my eyes. " no Oliver, please stay ", I whined. " no no no no no you can't snake your way out of round", Fairleigh said agin. I groaned annoyed. " let the poor guy be, you've done enough already", I said annoyed. Most of them looked at me with disproval except for Felix. He understood. He knew what was right.
" I-I'm not ", Oliver hastily said. What an idiot Fairleigh is. Can't he just leave this guy alone. Fuck this guy!
" it looks like you are", Fairleigh said before everyone around the table staarted booing on Oliver.
I felt really bad for Oliver. It sad that they are pressuring  him. I tried to stop Fairleigh but it didn't go so well.
" okay okay ", he said as he stood up and went to the bar.
" Fairy cut him a break, that round is gonna coast him a fucking fortune!", Felix said annoyed.
" yeah let him be!", I said in the same tone as Felix.
" fine", Fairleigh said annoyed.
Felix then went to Oliver. They talked for a while before they came back. Annabelle got bored so she took a seat near another guy.
We all took more and more shots by each time.
We were all waisted by this point. At least most of us.

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