part 8: Dried Tears

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"Y/n... Y/n wake up... honey wake up..." Kenny shakes me awake

"hmmm.... wha?.... what?... what time is it?" i rub my eyes

"4:26 am" he supports himself with his left elbow and his right hand holding my back close 

"Kenny.... why the hell did you wake me up.... at 4:30am"

"honey i have something to ask you" he plays with a strand of my hair

"can't it wait till the morning im tired" i slay sleepily

"oh my sleepy eepy little princess" he smiles

"oh my god just ask me what you wanted already" i turn towards him 

"hmmm i dont know if i should ask you now or not" he pulls me towards him and hugs me close.

"then im going to b-" i was interrupted by kenny giving me a soft yet strong  kiss on the lips.

pulling me more into his lips than before. "honey i have something i want to tell you more 

than ask you.. well its a little bit of both"  he pulls away and takes off my headphones i was

wearing to bed that night. 

"then say it already i wanna go back to bed" i put my headphones back onto only one ear

ignoring his action to take them off

"honey i love you so much, and it sometimes feels like there are no words to describe it to you"

"no shit i let you sleep in my bed and see me cry, i dont let a lot of people do that" i shut my eyes

"what do you mean by that? do you mean im seeing a side of my pumpkin others dont?" he 

seems more exited than he probably should be 

"thats a whole story for when im not tired but short answer is yes, what is your question 

already that you wanted to ask me" i say yawning into Kenny's chest thats close to me

he hesitates to answer and nuzzles his face into the top of my head while he holds me into him

tight "every year for winter break me and my 3 to about 5 friends come over and get super high 

on whatever i find in my house, while my parents and siblings are out of town visiting family 

friends and shit like that, i was wondering if you wanted to come this year?" he seriously just

asked me if i wanted to go to his drug party with his friends.... "i wont do anything other than 

maybe some weed, no acid or crazy shit like that" i nizzle my face into kenny's chest soaking

in all of him knowing this probably wont last long. nothing ever does. "so thats a yes !!" he 

gets confusingly happy about that answer "yes now let me fucking sleep you insomniac"

"i'm your insomniac, honey" he says putting my headphones back onto my ears for me while

I Wait For You by Alex G plays followed by A Burning Hill by Mitski plays after. 

"mhm sure you are, just go to sleep already, you'll get cranky in the morning if you dont" i say

while he kisses me on my forehead 

"not more crancky than you, darlin'" he rests his head ontop of mind holding me close in his 

arms. "shut up and sleep already" i say before going into my mind for sleep 

"ok, muffin. Love you"

I'll Lose My Mind Over You Another Thousand Times {Kenny x F reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang