part 1: The Beginning

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I'm walking through the halls to my locker to grab my stuff to go home, while Young by Vacations

 is playing in my headphones. I listen to a lot of music. Your going to notice that in this story. I'm 

grabbing my lunchbox from my locker, its full. I didn't eat my lunch today. I don't know I guess I 

just wasn't hungry. I'll have to eat at least something before my swim practice anyway. I swim on 

the local swim team, people say I'm a fast swimmer but I don't think so. I have a meet coming up 

and because of that everyone is stressing. My coach, my teammates, my parents. everybody, I 

can't really say I'm not stressed. I am. a lot of people are putting stress on my and its really hard 

for me to do the things I like when people are stressing at me, like writing or playing my sax, or 

painting, or even just concentrating. I grab my coat from my locker, its raining outside so i zip up 

my dark forest green coat, grab my house keys and I'm on my way out of school. My friends and 

teachers wave good bye to me and I wave back, it would be rude not to. The song changes to 

Tired by beabadoobee. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket while I'm walking out of school

Its a text from my mom.  

Mom: Hi honey, today is a really busy day at work so we wont be done packing till maybe 7, 

I hope you had a good day at school and you atleast talked a little during school. I hope you 

have a good time at swim tonight and I'll get out of hear as fast as I can. Love you

Y/N: love you

Mom works at a bakery. Even though they act all lovey duvie its all total bull shit. To be 

completely honest with you, she doesnt give a hot shit about me. I dont really care if she does

or doesnt as long as we dont spend 24/7 time together I dont care if she gives me up for 

full custody to my dad. I like my dad and step mom. They act like normal people. they 

love each other. My step mom loves me and my dad loves both of us that no english 

word can describe it. But most importantly they dont lie. They tell you whats what. No little

 white-lie shit, they get straight to the pointe and I like that. While I get to the front door of my 

house i realized i spaced out the whole walk home and i spaced out and wasnt paying 

attention to my favorite song. Once I unlock the front door I plop down onto the couch

and open (social media of your choosing)   I scroll down until I see a picture of an artist

I like posted a new picture of a new painting. For once in a while I get inspired to paint 

again. I walk up stairs and sketch my new painting. I dont really know what it is going to

be yet but I guess we will just have to see

I'll Lose My Mind Over You Another Thousand Times {Kenny x F reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz