part 7: Crying

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Kenny's car pulls into the drive way and instead of making it look like i havent been crying I just

lay on my couch  crying more and more. its not like Kenny doesnt know i wasnt crying so whats

to hide. I hear the door open i guess olivia didnt lock the door when she left. "Hey beautiful 

you feeling?" he says as he walks over to me and sits on the couch putting me in his arms 

"I wanna kill myself, thats how i feel" 

"Dont say that you will make ME cry! Please dont kill your self!" Kenny grabs my face 

"God, why do i even care so much your such a dick anyway! why did you come over i hate you!"

"well i dont hate you and i love you. im not leaving" he squeezes me into a forced hug

"no you dont" I say shoving him away "you dont love me"

"yes i do. I love you more than anything" He says keeping me close to him

"no your lying, just like everyone else. No one loves me" I cover my ears and weep

"no! im not lying why wont you listen! I. Love. You" He makes me look him in the eyes

I dont say anything. I dont believe him but he wont leave me alone so what harm could

come from telling him why I'm upset. "fine you might love me but there is no way in hell

Olivia still loves me after what happend. I fucked up bad dude" I cry curling my knees to my

eyes and crying onto my knees. I don't believe he loves me, its just like Olivia said he probably

just wants to fuck, nothing more, He doesnt want to date me. No one loves me, How could they I

suck at being a good person, I have friends but I end up fucking everything up. Like just now. I 

hate that I'm right and making good points. Everyone is just faking it. My parents dont love me

anymore they love each other. My friends dont like me, its all fake. They are lying because they 

pity me. This whole reality is fake, nothing is real. Nothing is real. I'm just lying to myself. I make

little realities in my brain for fun and make shit up and get sad about it. 

"Y/N Your spiraling! Just calm down everything will be ok. Im here for you" Kenny holds me

 close to him. His body is warm and has a scenes of comfort. something i havent felt in a long 


"Oh god Kenny, what am i going to do. I lost one of my only probably true friends." 

"you havent lost shit. you just got into a fight, you will be fine. Me and my friends get into fights 

all the damn time and we always get back together." he places his forehead against

mine.  "i promise it will be alright" he lays a soft kiss on my forhead. I'm to overwhelmed to

get mad at him for kissing me. "i just don't know how to fix this whole fight. she probably hates 

me know" i hide my face in my knees curling them close to me. "honey i need you to calm 

down, its never going to get better if you dont calm down ok?" Kenny picks my head up and 

cradles it in his hands "why dont we just take tonight to cool down, its clear you guys need a 

moment to take some deep breaths, we can talk to her tomorrow and clear it up. now what do

you usualy do to calm down from a fight?" i sniffle and my past memories of my parents fighting

in the past, yelling, screaming, slamming. I go quite for a moment, "honey? whats going on 

in that head of yours that i'm not hearing?" he asks "my parents used to fight before they

separated when i was 9 so its hard when me and my friends fight" i cry softly,

"well that makes more since your reaction seemed to be quite scared that you were going

to loose olivia, but i promise you it wont be that bad, its just a little fight, it happens all the

time with people and their friends. but i swear it will get better and its just a tiny fight."

 "i know but wait what where you saying before i trauma dumped?" i remember him 

saying something but i dont remember. "oh i was asking what do you do when your calming

down" he hugs me close

"oh i usually listen to music in my headphones" 

"well why dont you play me some of your music!" he suggests. "my phone is upstairs in my room 

I'll go get it" i hop off my coach and run upstairs with kenny behind me 

"oh yeah by the way there is no way your getting those panties back i stole"  kenny smiles. 

"ugh what ever" I plop down onto my bed and grab my phone and connect it to 

my bluetooth speaker in my room, i play Poision Tree by Grouper and turn off my lights 

to reveal my glow in the dark stars all around my walls and ceiling and lay on my stomach 

in my bed with my blankets. "woah thats a lot of stars you got on your walls" kenny smiles

"yup $10 bucks for a pack of 600 stars. i need to buy some more there is still some empty

spots on my ceiling"  kenny lays down next to me "this song is nice i like it, you have good 

music taste" he hugs me tight as i put my phone on my nightstand next to my clock

that reads 11pm. after the song finishes Lovers Rock by TV Girl plays, along with 

Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens and Mary by Alex G.  Kenny spoons me while i lay

on my side. i have my face on his chest and his head laying on the top of my head. 

while i sneak into a soft peaceful sleep kenny rubs my back and for once i feel comforted 

I'll Lose My Mind Over You Another Thousand Times {Kenny x F reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora