Looking around, she was trying to find something...

Solomon: yn I don't think it's a good idea..

Yn: why?? Is it wrong for me to visit my orphanage from which dad adopted me!!

Solomon: but yn you don't know the whole thing...

Yn: that's why i choosed you as my partner in this secret mission, i want to find my real family and make them regret of throwing me away. Besides that i will also thanks them, because of them only i meet my hyungs without whom I can't even imagine my life now..

Solomon: you really want to meet your family??

A unknown emotion got built inside her, she was really confused but still nodded her head...

Yn: yes..

Solomon: I'll help you but it will take time for us to find them...

Yn: no problem..

Solomon: hmm...

Yn: now tell me how dad adopted me!!

Solomon: ok so it's around 18-19 years ago, when Mrs kim was alive. She loved her both sons Minho and Jong suk quickly but her love for having a daughter was still missing. But, after Jong suk was born doctor suggested her not to have another as it will be danger for her health. Mr Kim loved her very much , that's why he also dropped his plan of having a daughter. Afterwards, she started this orphanage, your Jin hyung with rm hobi and Suga were 4 kids who were homeless and used to live to streets, then Mrs kim found them and they started living in orphanage happily. Jimin and taehyung are twins they were rescued from a man who were arrested in child trafficking. About jk his parents died in a accident, after that police sent him here...

Yn: i feel really bad for them, they saw so much in childhood...

Solomon: yes that's why mrs kim treated them good and they were like her son's she never treated them badly. They got attached with her, me with Minho hyung and Jong suk used to play with them as we all got admission in same school . Mr Kim loved to see his wife happy with them, then we all got attached...

Yn: what about me??

Solomon smiled and slowly cared her forehead...

Solomon: it was after one year jk joined our family and we were happy, then suddenly one day a voice of crying came in night. At that time, Jin hyung found you crying alone infront of orphanage like someone put u there. You had high fever, he immediately called doctor then Mrs kim. After few days, you got fine at that you were just born when they abandoned you. Mrs kim was on ninth cloud after she saw you, as her desire of having a daughter got fulfilled. Then, we were also happy and u become the most important part of our family. But, unfortunately you were 11 months old when someone attacked our orphanage. We all were in school, Mr Kim at work only you were there with Mrs kim, they killed her but she nodded you from them . At last they set the orphanage on fire, uncle reached there Mrs kim was dead but he heard u crying then rescued you. She was burned here only, all were sad but boah aunty become our strength then you become our happiness. Mr Kim adopted you all and he strictly said everyone to hide this fact and he said to say to that your mother died while giving you birth...

Yn was crying by now.

Yn: I'm so lucky I got you guys, I miss her i know if she would be alive by now then she would treat me like princess and love me more than anyone of you...

Solomon nodded sadly..

Yn: but who were those who attacked her??

Solomon: actually they attacked you...

Yn: me??

Solomon: yes while investing Mr Kim discovered this fact, but he got no evidence ago so he left things there and started life with you all...

Yn: you means they were here to kill me?? Why my real family left me here?? Then, someone tried to attack me when I was just 11 months old...

Solomon: besides that he was also here to kill you, he just acted that way to be close with u..

Yn: that 5 years ago?

Solomon: yes, when he disappeared we found it, yn trust me i also want to find out that's happening but Mr Kim stopped me because he thought he was dangerous for us all of us!!

Yn: oh!!

Solomon: yes and I think it's a good thing u r trying, I'll be with you, because i also need to find something..

Yn: what??

Solomon: my mother..

Yn: but she died in accident??

Solomon: no, she never died my mom and dad loved each other very much, she married him after running away from her family. Many years, while coming back from mall she disappeared...

Yn: so you think my real family and your mom are related??

Solomon: yes because dad said my mom knew something about you, but she never told anyone...

Yn close her eyes...

Yn: everything is messed, we have to clear everything and find out what is actually happening!!

Solomon: yes!!

Yn: lemon thank you for being on my side..

Solomon: come on yn, you are my best friend...

Yn: what about your girlfriend??

Solomon: no no I don't have any...

Yn: stop it now!! Tell me about her now!!

Solomon: okok then thing is when I went to Japan last year, I met her during a mission there. But, she disappeared from there, i have her photo nothing else I don't even know her name...

He pouted...

Yn: aww don't worry, our holidays will be there after 2 months, our summer vacation we will spend our whole holiday in Japan...

Solomon: really??

Yn: yupp I'll talk about this with dad, he won't say no..

Solomon: let's go now...

Yn: yes I'm already tired after knowing this ..

Solomon: yupp!!

They both left from there, Little did they know someone was keeping eye on them...

??: finish her before she knows everything, I don't want to see her...

Men: ok boss...

??: __yn you are dead now!!

That person smriked ..

Time skip next day,


The next episode will be uploaded soon take care of yourself and don't forget to comment and vote down 🌹

Word count: 1400..

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