He let go instantly, and Lord Eclipse tried to seem small. Worry filled Eclipse even more and Eclipse said softly "hey hey, take some deep breaths okay?" he was willing to help, he couldn't just leave them like this. "Deep breaths" he said softly and Lord Eclipse took some shaky breaths, he eventually calmed down.

Though it took an alarmingly long time, Lord Eclipse seemed to be thinking more clearly as he looked around then towards Eclipse. "There you go, now I need to fix you" Eclipse said softly, "that means you'll have to shut off" Lord Eclipse choked out "no-" "yes" Eclipse said, "your safe, okay?" Lord Eclipse looked alarmed and confused. 

It was rare to find a nice Eclipse.

It took some coaxing, but eventually Eclipse got Lord Eclipse to shut himself off. He sighed picking up Lord Eclipse's body gently, it felt like it was going to fall apart even more in his arms. "You were surprisingly gentle with him" Computer said and Eclipse growled "shut up" Computer said "your just a big softy" "am not!" and then, the two began their childish bickering.

Eclipse however quickly stopped it and said, "we gotta worry about Lord Eclipse, remember?" Computer muttered "oh right" Eclipse turned to Sun, BloodMoon, and Moon. He didn't want to risk leaving them alone, this will be a long walk, he had to go back to the pizzaplex and sneak in the daycare.

It was about a three hour walk, and lets be honest, he'd be an irresponsible parent to leave them alone for that long. Also, the idea of being caught by Earth, Lunar, or Solar during his little sneak or repair session gave him anxiety. He had to get Lord Eclipse repaired, and the closest place he knew where that was possible was Moon's room. 

Oh and his old bunker- "you're not going back there." Computer said and Eclipse scoffed "I wasn't planning to, that place is falling apart anyway" he said still unaware of what happened there though he grumbled scooping Moon, Sun, and BloodMoon up. BloodMoon whined "dad!" he really didn't like being picked up and Eclipse said softly "sorry kiddo, I gotta go somewhere and I gotta take you" so here was, struggling to hold Lord Eclipse's body and three small robots. 

He walked up the creaking metal steps and started in the direction of the PizzaPlex, fighting squirrels and vines, Sun struggles and whines as he gets tangled in a long thorny vine. He started crying and Eclipse stopped moving and carefully and gingerly untangled him from the thorny vine.

Sun shakes and cries as he was all scraped up, "hey hey" he said gently "shhh" he ruffled his rays gently and Sun snuggles hugging his arm and Eclipse set onward. The rest of the walk was about the same, he arrived at the PizzaPlex and stared at the large building in anxiety.

I hope I don't get caught, that would be awkward. He imagined the conversation in his head, 'oh- Lunar uhh- I am fixing some random Eclipse, oh the uh Sun and Moon being children-? Oh yeah god hates me!' yeah... he doesn't want that to happen. 

So Eclipse snuck into the building and crept down the hallway to the daycare, he peeked through and seeing that Lunar, Earth, and Solar didn't seem to be around and bolted for the teleportor. It was then, it was then that he heard someone clear their throat.

He paused mid run, going stiff in alarm and embarrassment. He turned slowly and saw Solar looking him up and down in confusion and raising an eyebrow "well, what a sight" he said and Eclipse considered just running. "Hi-" he said awkwardly, Solar's eyes widened when he noticed Sun and Moon "what the he-" Eclipse gulped "I uh- YOU SAW NOTHING-!" he freaked out and ran back down the daycare hallway back to the main plaza. 

"Idiot" Computer said and Eclipse yelped "SHUT UP-!" Solar gave chase "get back here!" Eclipse, who was humiliated and scared Solar would take Sun and Moon, ran as fast as he could. Then proceeded to fall down the stairs, he cursed and Moon flew out of his arms for a moment before he grabbed him again, BloodMoon coo'd. 

Somehow the were unharmed, Lord Eclipse's body was more damaged though. He tried to scramble to his legs but Solar was next to him "explain" he said in a cold tone  and Eclipse's rays drooped "and give me Sun and Moon." Eclipse growled and held Sun, Moon, and BloodMoon closer ready to fight "no." "No?" Solar asked clearly confused by his behavior.

"No." Eclipse made it clear that he wasn't just going to give them up, Solar's ray twitched "well... um, why are they babies Eclipse? What.did.you.do?" poor Eclipse had no idea how to explain so he was just silent in humiliation. 

Became a dad. 

He thought that bitterly knowing now from his reaction to Solar trying to take Sun and Moon had been very protective. "Explain." Solar said and Eclipse choked out "god hates me-?" but it sounded more like a question than anything

Solar just looks confused then he said "uh huh. Sure. God hates you." It is clear Solar did not believe him at all, which is understandable. 

Well this sucks.

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