- Since when do you call her mom? – Jamie comments.

- Since my birthday. Why, do you have a problem with that? – Caleb mocks playfully.

- Yeah. It's weird hearing you say it. – she nags.

- You do realize I've known her longer than you, right? – my mate points out.

- Only because you're old as fuck. – she bites back playfully.

- Jamie, don't talk to your brother like that. – Mary scolded the teenager.

- What, why? We are only messing around, besides he started it. – she defends herself.

- Still, don't curse in front of your younger brother and sister. – she clarifies seriously.

- Yeah dude, not cool. – Caleb mocks.

- Shut up. – she mouths throwing him a grape. He laughs in return.

The whole interaction was so familiar and childish, it brought memories of me and my brother when we were younger. We used to argue about everything, mostly because he was a little insufferable. We nagged each other constantly, but we always loved each other. It's the same thing here, there is so much love in this room that it makes me smile.

- Sorry Nathan. These two are always like this, you'll get used to it. – Mary says, returning to her cooking.

- Yeah. –

It makes me happy the mere thought of waking up to a life with Caleb. There's so much he has taught me in these past few months, I can't begin to imagine how much more there is to him. I'll be living with rogues now, that's bound to be interesting. I'm dying to learn their customs and ways, to train alongside them, and to get to know them better. Surely, I'll get stronger very quickly. Just training with my mate a few hours a week helped me improve so much, imagine now that I'll be training with his whole pack. Well, technically it's my pack as well. I'll finally get to see a part of Caleb he's never shown; it's thrilling.

We talked some more, and the conversation was fluid. It's comforting seeing his family so warm and welcoming towards me. They have no problem whatsoever regarding our relationship, quite the opposite, they encourage it and are very excited and happy for us. It's such a relief. At some point, Ally wanted to sit on my lap and I gladly accepted. She truly is a sweet girl, and she adores Caleb. Seriously, he is her hero.

- I almost forgot. Where is your dad? – I ask casually, looking at Caleb who tensed a bit.

- Oh, Allan had to take care of some stuff, he left for work early. He'll be back later when you return from school. – Mary chimes in, speaking like it's no big deal. Caleb took the opening and smiled approvingly.

- Oh, okay. – I say, trying to sound upbeat, but there's this sensation in my stomach worrying. There's a knock on the main door.

- Maya is here. Thank you for the breakfast, Mom but we should go or Nathan will be late for school. – Caleb speaks. – Let's go babe. – he says, kissing Ally's head and waving goodbye to the rest.

- It was so nice to meet you, I'll see you later. – I say, following my mate. We head to the main door, and he opens it, revealing a blond rogue patiently waiting for us.

- It's getting late, I was beginning to think you wouldn't answer. – she nags. – Hey, Nate. – she greets.

- Hi Maya. – I say back.

- Relax, I was introducing him to my family. – my mate explains casually.

- Oh, and how'd it go? – she wondered now intrigued, shifting her attention to me.

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