Chapter 45: It'll Happen When It's Right

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"When it is right, it will happen. I trust you." He leaned forward and kissed me, caressing my cheek with his thumb as delight ran through my veins. When the kiss broke, he pulled back to look at me, his eyes shining. "I love you."

"I'll always love you, Sam. Forever."

We went about as normal after that afternoon, trusting that my Accepting would happen when the time was right.

"It's supposed to be warm this weekend," I said the next morning, forcing down a baby carrot at break. "We should do something fun."

"About that," Sam said slowly, face serious. "I have a proposition."


"I think we should take the boat out—"

My mouth gaped open. "You own a boat?"

He smiled indulgently, snagging a carrot out of my bag. "Of course I do. I think we should go to the lake this weekend."

I grinned at the idea. "I'd like that a lot."

"And," he added, taking a deep breath, "I think we should invite Mina and Dylan to come with us."

My jaw dropped again. "You mean it?"

He crunched on the carrot. "If you would like to, then yes."

"Of course I'd like to!" I exclaimed, sitting up to better look at him. "Sam, this will be great! I promise, I'll help you be on your best behavior. Nothing bad will happen, not on my watch."

He smiled, bringing my hand to his mouth to kiss my knuckles. "I know. I trust you."

At lunch, I rushed to ask Mina and Dylan to join us. They were surprised by the invitation, to say the least.

"And you say this was Sam's idea?" Mina questioned incredulously.

"Yeah, he wants to get to know you both better."

Her eyebrows practically disappeared into her hairline. "Well. Okay then. Dylan, what do you think?"

Mina's boyfriend grinned. "I want to go. Boats are fun."

I beamed at them both, infinitely excited. Sam was trying.

The next day, we soaked up the sun on Sam's boat as he drove us around the lake. The breeze was cool off the water, but the sun rays were strong and warm, keeping us comfortable. I'd slathered myself in sunscreen, trying to pass it off on everybody else. I probably was going to burn the easiest out of everyone with my pasty skin, and ever since learning about skin cancer in Health class freshman year, I'd been extra cautious. Mina sprayed some on, but the boys, both olive toned and unconcerned, didn't bother.

Dylan had teased me about my outfit of a long sleeved rash guard and knee length board shorts over my swimsuit, but Sam had pulled me up against him. "I think she looks cute," he'd said, pressing a kiss onto my temple.

Mina slapped Dylan on the arm. "Don't be mean."

"Sorry, Abby," he apologized. "I was just teasing."

"I forgive you," I teased back. I hadn't really been offended. I knew my conservative outfit was odd, but I wanted to hide both my skin and my scars. I turned back to Sam and grabbed his hands in excitement. "Now let's go!"

We pulled out onto the lake, where we spent the next few hours enjoying our ride. Sam drove, less cautiously then I'd like, but I figured he'd probably done it a hundred times before. I'd trust him to keep us safe.

We eventually stopped on the water to eat lunch, talking amongst ourselves. Sam surprised me by joining in on the conversation. He was trying, and I was so proud of him.

After lunch, we went for a swim. The water was cool, but it felt good to stretch my muscles. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been swimming. As we lazed about in the water, Sam challenged us to a diving contest. All of us game, we took turns jumping off the back of the boat trying to look as elegant as possible. Dylan didn't know how to dive, so he just tried to make the biggest splash he could as he cannonballed.

Sam was so graceful as he dove, easily the prettiest of the four of us. "How do you do this so well?" Mina demanded.

"I have had a long time to perfect it," he said.

I gave him a significant look that said, "How long?"

He gave me a look back. "Long enough," it said.

I huffed, and he pulled me to his side with a laugh.

As the afternoon waned and the sun hung low in the sky, we called it a day. Once on dry land with the boat secured on the trailer behind Sam's truck (of course he owned a truck as well as his souped up car), we said our goodbyes. Mina turned to hug me, gushing about how much fun she'd had, and I knew she was genuine.

She surprised us by giving Sam a hug goodbye as well. "It was nice to finally get to know you," Mina said.

He returned her hug briefly. "Likewise, Mina. You have been such a good friend to Abigail, and I want to return the favor."

He was trying for me, and I couldn't help the flush of pride and adoration in my chest. I loved him so much.

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