Chapter 14: An Unintentional Swim

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On Halloween, I noticed Sam's license wedged underneath his desk in Study Skills as I was turning to go. He must have dropped it during class. He'd already left by time I noticed it, and I wouldn't see him for the rest of the school day. 

I put it in my backpack, contemplating how I would get it to him. He may need it, so I didn't want to wait until school the next day. I had to rush home after school for plans with my family, but I could probably take it over to his house on my way to the haunted house later that night.

We had convinced Coach to give us the day off of volleyball practice, so the boys and I got to go home right after school. Birdie had taken the evening off as well, so she was home when the Nate and I arrived. We ate an early dinner, then had fun getting dressed up in costumes. 

Nate was one of the Michelangelo from The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I had introduced him to the cartoons earlier that fall, and Nate loved them. I suspected he chose to be one of them for Halloween because I liked them, too, and I'd been delighted and honored when he told me his plans. I still couldn't believe I had an effect on someone, especially someone as good and innocent as a kid.

As for my costume, I had dug up some cat ears up in the dollar bin at the drugstore, and with a few eyeliner whiskers on my cheeks, voila. I was a cat.

Before the sun even started setting, kids were running around the neighborhood. Birdie, who was dressed up as President Barbie, and I set out to take the Nate to a trunk-or-treat the elementary school was hosting.

We had a blast. I'd never really done the whole Halloween thing when I was younger because my mom wasn't into holidays. It was fun to experience it through Nate's eyes, surrounded by laughing kids running around, Halloween music blasting from cars decorated with spider webs and spooky monster faces. Festivity and sugar permeated the air, putting a grin on my face the whole evening.

However, as I was following Birdie and Nate back to our car,  Tristan suddenly popped out of nowhere. He was dressed in jeans and a plain hoodie. How festive.

He eyed me dangerously, letting his eyes slip up and down my body. "Meow," he purred suggestively, reaching for my waist to pull my hips to his.

Fear pulsing through my veins, I leapt away, letting out an involuntary shriek. Tristan just smirked. It was the last piece of evidence he needed to figure out that my rejection of him stemmed from a basic fear. He was greatly amused and pleased that he scared me, and I could see in his eyes that he wanted me more for it. 


"Leave me alone, Tristan," I snapped. "I'm here with kids."

"Are you coming to my party tonight?" he pouted.

"I already told you, no. I have other plans."

"Involving Durand?" He spat on the ground at Sam's name with a disgusted look. I didn't know what he and Sam had against each other, but their mutual hatred was evident. 

I closed my eyes a moment, willing myself to simply let it go. Getting mad at Tristan wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth the energy, and it would only fuel him.

"No," I replied. "Although it isn't any of your business."

"Are you hooking up with him? Because I promise you, I'm a hundred times better."

"No!" I shouted. "Leave me alone, Tristan!"

He smirked. "Still playing with me. I love games, Abby."

"Don't you get it? I don't want anything to do with you, Tristan. Now go away, and leave me alone!"

Playing with ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon