Now imagine the state of my stomach walking towards the arena knowing their dad that i haven't seen in 4 years is inside this building. Of course my dad was trying to be the best grandpa in the world and wanted the girls to have the best experience, buying us tickets directly behind the Leafs bench.

My dad called us on the way there, wanting to talk to the girls knowing how excited they would be.


"Hi angels, are you excited?"

"Yea we're gonna see hockey!" Jovie shouted excitedly into the phone.

"You come grandpa?" June added.

"Yea, i'll take you girls next time, but have lots of fun okay? I love you all!"

"love you!"

"Love you dad" I added before hanging up.

As we approached the arena, they were amazed at the size of the entrance and stature of the large structure, inside the building was full of pictures of the players, stands to buy merchandise, and areas to purchase snacks. While they were overlooking the building hand in hand, I took a picture of the 3 year olds with their Jersey's on, Jovie in a Matthew's jersey and June in a Domi jersey.

We made our way down to our seats and the girls were bouncing with excitement. June stood up and pressed herself against the glass, pointing at the team skating around on the ice and waving her sister over to look with her.

"Mama look! They skating!" June shouted excitedly.

I couldn't help but smile at the joy on her face. I felt my nerves begin to dissipate watching how happy the girls were and how much fun they were already having before the game had begun.

Once the game began, they became fully immersed in the fast and rough pace of the players. The team on the bench didn't really turn around as I assumed they were more focused on the game than the fans, but the twins were just as amazed with the back of their heads, their eyes glued to the superstar athletes ahead of them.

With the leafs in the lead so far, Jovie and June would barely sit in their seats, hands up against the glass where the leafs sat. During the second period, some players began to turn around and wave at the girls when they noticed them, becoming more and more interested at entertaining the little girls who looked so excited to see them. Mitch Marner played with June through the glass and I couldn't have been more grateful for their friendliness with the twins, but before he turned back around to focus on the game, his stare lingered on me for a moment, a sinking feeling erupting in my stomach.

At the end of the third period, the leafs had won and the twins had their hands back on the glass staring at the ice in amazement. A couple players were talking in a group when Mitch pointed over to where we were sitting, Auston coming over to wave at the twins as he reached over the glass to give them a puck. I just about vomited when his gaze drifted up to find the parent, resulting in him staring at me in shock after passing them the puck. He looked back as his teammates were calling him before mouthing for me to wait outside for him.

So now I stood awkwardly in an empty hallway, hand in hand with the girls, mortified might I add, while I waited for Auston.

"Mama what we doin?" Jovie asked.

"Mom is friends with one of the players so he said he would come say hi after the game" I told her with a small smile.

"Wow!" the girls excitedly yelled.

When the arena began to clear out a bit more, a man in a suit came over to me and told me to follow him to the back of the arena. I walked with June in my arms and held Jovie's hand as we passed through several sets of doors and began to approach the area where all the players were in suits with their family members who came to watch the game.

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