As I come up on the last straightaway, I use one last burst of force before hopping off of the boulder and landing on the ground, awkwardly, but still in one piece.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, thankful that nothing particularly terrible had happened.

Robin: Nice job. That's a new course record.

Jinx: Hear that, Cy? Your record lasted like, what, 5 minutes?

Jinx grins mischievously and nudges Cyborg's arm, who sheepishly rubs the back of his head.

Cyborg: I must've... softened it up for her.

Starfire: Amazing, friend Terra!

I giggle as Beast Boy and Starfire enthusiastically approach me.

Beast Boy: You're the man! I mean, um... sorry, I'm just excited for you.

I don't even hesitate to hug the little green jellybean, glad that I didn't let down the one person who I'd put my faith in as I whisper in his ear.

Terra: You said I could do it, and I did. Thank you for believing in me, Gar.

Beast Boy: N-no problem!

I let go of him as he manages to sputter out a response, clearly surprised by the sudden embrace.

Robin: A little rough around the edges, but you've got some real talent.

Terra: Really?

Robin: For sure. With a little more training you could be a huge asset.

y/n: Though it looks like we're gonna need a new course first.

Terra: Yeah... sorry about that...

I'm cut short by a sharp, alarm-like sound as Robin pulls some sort of device out from his pocket and checks it. The rest of the Titans' suits simultaneously begin flashing like hazard lights, which gives me the impression that this isn't exactly good news.

Terra: Okay, why is everyone blinking?

(y/n POV)

Robin: It's Umbra.

Robin opens a satellite map on the display in the living room as the rest of us lean in closer to get a better look.

Terra: Umbra?

Beast Boy: She's some kind of criminal. I don't really know much about her- I was kinda... unconscious when we met.

Terra: Ah.

Robin: She's ransacking a mine.

Raven: What's she doing there?

y/n: After precious materials, maybe?

Jinx: What a buzzkill. She's ruining a perfectly nice day!

Robin: Well, looks like it's about to get worse. She's got help, too.

Robin narrows his eyes at the screen as he pulls up an image depicting a masked man in a black suit.

Cyborg: Slade?

Starfire: But why would Slade assist Umbra?

Robin: I don't know, but we'd better be extra careful. Let's get out there.

We rush over to the villains' location as quickly as we can before descending into the dimly lit diamond mine where the miners are attempting to ward off a horde of assailants.

Robin: Hey! What's the situation?

Miner: Titans! Thank god you're here, they're after the diamonds!

Robin nods and takes one look at the unfolding chaos before turning to us with directions.

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