Chapter 8: Quarters

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The elevator brought them to a command deck, where Kipp excitedly jumped around. "This is my favorite place on the whole station," Cal observed that this area was a bit more impressive; he could recognize a view screen when he saw one. Doors opened to a corner office flanking the side of the conning room, "This way Cal!" Tommy gestured, and Cal followed behind Tommy. "Tommy? What is this about?" This must be Kori. Cal thought as he moved into the office; Cal looked between Kipp, Tommy, and Cal. One of his eyes twitching in mild annoyance. "We found a builder!" Tommy maintained his bubbly excitement from the time he found out that Cal was in the military and worked on building and 'designing' structures. The room was filled with holographic blueprints, miniature models, and various tools scattered across the desk. Cal raised an eyebrow, curious but also somewhat skeptical.

"Tommy... I already told you." Cal warned, but the squirrel wasn't listening. Kipp seemed to be vibrating joyfully as well.

Tommy grinned, leaning against a holographic display. "Well, Kori, remember you sent me on a mission to find survivors? Well, I found the best one of all! Cal here has a unique ability. He served in the military, built buildings, and fixed ships. He's perfect for our mission! You said we needed to leave the station behind and build a colony. Cal can help us do it."

Cal scratched his head, processing the information. "You want me to build something? What for?"

Tommy's eyes twinkled with excitement. "Imagine it, Cal. You can build homes and ships with your experience as an airman. Kipp needs some help anyway."

Kipp chimed in, "And it'll be a collaborative effort! Your military design knowledge and my engineering crafting skills. We could make something incredible."

Cal couldn't deny the appeal of the idea. But Tommy still wasn't listening... cal wasn't an architect; he followed instructions, and he didn't design the buildings he built. Tommy spread his arms wide, his eyes gleaming with a vision. "Think about it: a communal area on a beautiful island, a place where people can gather, socialize, and appreciate our planet again. It could be a hub for creativity, relaxation, and community building."

Cal crossed his arms, still contemplating. The idea was novel, and the station could benefit from a space fostering a sense of community. Kori spoke for the first time. "Hold on? Wait? We don't even know this guy, Tom. How do you even know he served in the military? Remember Cameron? He was hiding at the station for months, and he kidnapped you, and before that, he was hiding in Russell's village, posing as a doctor. What if this is another spy."

"We need help, Kori... I want to give him a chance. Plus, look at him! Do you think these muscles are just randomly formed? He clearly works out." Cal blushed and chuckled awkwardly. Kori narrowed her eyes at Cal, still skeptical. "Muscles or not, we can't just bring someone new into our plans without proper verification. Cameron fooled us all once, and I won't let it happen again."

Cal, feeling the weight of suspicion, stepped forward. "Look, I get it. Trust doesn't come easy, especially after what you've been through. But I'm not here to cause trouble. Tommy is right; I served in the military and worked on structures and ships. If you need someone with those skills, I'm willing to help. We can figure out how to verify my background and ensure that I'm here for the right reasons." Kori studied Cal for a moment, her expression still guarded. "Fine. But we do this my way. No secrets, no hidden agendas. There will be consequences if we find out you're not who you claim to be."

Cal nodded in agreement. "Fair enough. I don't want any trouble either. I want a chance to contribute and help build something worthwhile... I wasn't sure if I wanted this... but I've changed my mind... how exactly do you plan to verify my truthfulness?"

"Well... Maxion's truthsight isn't particularly the most reliable." Without hesitation, Kori looked toward Tommy. "Merge with him." Tommy blinked in surprise, "What? That's a little... inappropriate, don't you think?"

"No, this was your idea. You'll open your mind and... observe."

Cal squared his shoulders, "What... am I supposed to do?"

"Don't struggle; just relax and let it happen. And when you're done. Come back to me and see if he's really a perfect match." 

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