Chapter 6: Return

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Russell was biting at the bits to get out of the airlock. Since Tommy and Kipp didn't return, it was up to D1 to retrieve Cam and Russell from their unique mission. Unfortunately, they weren't as lucky as Tommy and Kipp to find Cal. "You're insane. That's the last time I go on a mission with you!" Russell shouted. He exited the airlock, and Cam winced as they entered the station; D1 trailed behind them and secured the Falcon's docking clamps with the access codes as usual, but as the duo continued, she fell out of visual contact with them. "Do no harm!"

"Cameron, you're not a doctor! You don't even have a degree! You're delusional. That's what you are!" Russell pointed viciously through gritted teeth. He whipped around and continued down the path. Cam frowned at that, and he continued to grab the loops of his OmniHeal pack. "I don't believe that it was necessary to kill that anthill. They deserve to live, too."

Russell turned around again, and Cam stopped in terror. "Yeah? Well, keep acting like a fool, and I'll put you in solitary confinement with the rest of those prisoners. I think I can convince Kori to train someone else to be a medic. And you can just wallow away in shift-inhibitors." Russell threatened. Cam squared his shoulders. "N—No! Please don't do that, Russell!" Russell scowled, his gaze piercing through Cam. "You need to get your priorities straight, Cameron. This isn't some idyllic colony where you can play caretaker to every living thing. We're dealing with a dire situation, and you're hung up on an anthill?" He shook his head in frustration.

Cam took a deep breath, attempting to remain calm. "Russell, I get it. We face challenges, but that doesn't mean we abandon our morals. We can't lose sight of what we're fighting for. It's not just about survival; it's about preserving who we are."

Russell scoffed, "Preserving who we are? There's no room for idealism in this reality. We're in a fight for our lives, and your bleeding heart is a liability. And also? No one forgot that you supplied materials that helped destroy our entire civilization. So you should be the last person talking about morals."

Cam clenched his fists, his frustration mounting. "I'm not asking you to understand, but I won't compromise my principles. If we lose ourselves, what's the point of surviving?"

Russell's expression hardened, and he jabbed a finger at Cam. "I've seen too many people crack under pressure. We need to be ruthless if we're going to make it through this. If you can't handle that, maybe you're not cut out for this mission."

Cam's eyes widened in disbelief, his voice firm. "Fine... if having a soul means solitary confinement or whatever punishment you have in mind, so be it. But I won't compromise on what I believe is right."

Russell glared at Cam, torn between frustration and a hint of concern. "You're naïve, Cameron. You'll see. Survival is about making tough choices."

As they continued through the station, the tension lingered a silent clash of ideals in the face of a relentless and unforgiving universe. "I am going to mark your file," Russell emphasized. Cam nodded. He understood. "You know? I said you can call me Cam."

"I don't do nicknames." Russell offered bluntly. For now, the station seemed to be getting used to Cam. At first, they were prejudiced toward him— no matter how insignificant his role in Kieran's group with no name, they still hated him... but time seemed to heal all wounds. He didn't have any friends, but eventually, his presence became commonplace as they realized he was the only person qualified to give medical care. Some people affectionately called him 'Doc,' his pet name. But maybe that's why they chose to use that name. "And... I know it's not my place." Cam started. Russell moved toward his office, which was where he was probably going to watch the CCTV system and scowl at the people conducting operations that were outside of his regulations. Cam continued, "But you don't feel... strange about threatening solitary? Your brother and that entire village were very hard on you. I saw the whole thing. Maybe you should consider therapy for that temper, and I'm happy to help you."

Russell boiled over; he smiled wickedly, "Yeah. That's your problem. You're an observer—a spy. I don't feel bad about threatening solitary confinement on you and the rest of those Kieran followers because it's what you deserve. You better not ever lose that pack because the second you stop being useful, I'll put you in a cell next to Howard and Kieran, and you can spend the rest of your days thinking about medicine instead of practicing it." Russell roughly pushed Cam into a bulkhead before vanishing into his nest.

Cam stood there like a deer in headlights, and sure enough, Maxion and his Omeocoon Canine companion rounded the corner. "Yes! Right on schedule! Is he in there?" Maxion bounced on his heels. Before he could embarrass himself, Cam took his teary eyes and scuttled around a corner. Sensitive.

"What? No, I don't want to see Russell if he made that guy cry! That bunny has anger issues. He's crazy!" Howie shouted; he started to hyperventilate, and Maxion comforted him. "Don't worry, I'll be right there. He's not that bad." As soon as Maxion said that, Russell yelled as he hurled an object that created a loud, powerful thunk and then a shattering of something expensive as Russell's temper exploded. "Okay... so it might be bad."

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