His eyes were failing him, everything was this blurred mess. He tried to stagger to his feet, only to get a brutal stomp on his back.


He wasn't used to pain-

He screamed and flailed about, trying to grab for his spear. Even though he had no idea where it was, they shouldn't be able to touch him. Yet they were, and they had bad intentions. He couldn't find his spear, it blended right into the floor. Panic and shock filled him quickly and a voice could be heard above him, it was oddly... familiar.

Like someone he knew oh so long ago, probably before he took everything over. "Pathetic" he heard the voice sneer, "I wonder how you took everything over" Lord wasn't used to this at all. Right now, right now pain was affected him full force. He hasn't felt any form of pain in... a couple millennia actually.

So this felt, horrible. "Now now now" the voice sneered above, he looked up but all he saw was a light blue blur. "I'll have some fun" Lord did not want to know what this "fun" will be. No doubt it would not be fun for him. He tried to slap the figure away, though he was aiming blind and he felt something grab his hand.

Much to his horror and pain the blue blur in on quick motion snapped his arm behind Lord's back, Lord felt a snap and he screamed and flailed pitifully around again. His thought were panic, his thoughts were shock, his thoughts were terror. 

He kept grabbing around for his spear again getting more and more desperate by the second, but he was in a position. A position where he could die. He never knew this would happen, okay sure, maybe from the wither storm. But a physical dimensional being? That's just pathetic, but they sorta caught him off guard, his eyes couldn't see anything that could help him. 

Things were blurring together into some mess that he couldn't describe, he never knew he'd be in such a pitiful state... he struggled and tried slapping blindly again in pure desperation, but he just couldn't escape, and even if he managed to escape, where would be go?  He'd only be free for a second because he can't see the winding paths of his palace.

The book cases, the red mats, all of it was blurred together. His systems were screaming, making his sight worse by putting large warnings in his face, and saw one.

Critical warning!

Right arm forcibly removed!

He heard sank when he realized, that his arm hadn't been broken, it had been torn out, straight out of his shoulder. That realization of course was a clear sign that he was probably going to die, his heart sank in even more horror and terror and his breath was coming out shakily and strained.

He didn't want to die-

Especially not like this-

He tried to kick them off but he screamed again as he knew his left leg was torn out, he swore he could feel each wire snapping, he couldn't tell though. "Awww, lil Clipsy can't fight back?" the blur mocked, Eclipse was shaking all over as he struggled for some kind of escape.

At this point, he was terrified for his life, he was reacting on shock and pain more than anything. He kicked hard and the being grunted and laughed "you got me there! Amusing! But I get you back" he felt another brutal stomp on his back and swore, he swore he felt his metal spine shift in a very bad way.

He couldn't separate it from the pain and fear he was feeling though, in fact he was having a hard time processing anything. He screamed and let out a pained, terrified, and wail, this whole situation was overwhelming for him. He had played god for so long that when suddenly he couldn't fight back or someone was hurting him like this, it was too much. 

Sure, he was practically being tortured so his reaction is probably normal either way, he tried to kick them off. He tried to fight them, he wanted to escape. He wanted to live.

It was then, that he felt a hand grip his wires.

His heart lurched in panic, his stomach dropped. He was hardly aware of his own bodies shaking, he was hardly aware of anything except the fact he was going to die, except the pain, the terror. He tried to get his head away, he struggled for his life. "Hmmm, decisions decisions" he heard it mutter above him "do I pull or play some more?" Lord wanted neither of those.

"Hmm, pull it is!" Lord heard them say that, and he knew he was done for. He screwed his glitching out eyes shut, he felt the grip on his wired get tighter, his breath was completely out of order, it was heavy and fast. His body was shaking all over but then, something happened.

He fell through the floor.


What are the chances. It thought staring bitterly at where the pathetic excuse of a probably now mentally broken ruler was, to fall through a wormhole just before you're going to die. 

It knew that Lord didn't end up in the backrooms, sadly. He was lucky, he somehow fell through a wormhole to another dimension. If he somehow survived, well, at least they still have his dimension.

They tapped their foot on the floor irritated by the turn of events, they looked at the mess  on the floor. The mess of rays, an arm, and a leg, and a large pool of oil where the lucky moron originally was. They growl in anger and kick the sparking arm in anger, they wanted to kill him! Stupid wormhole! 

Ugh whatever, the dimensions mine anyway now anyway.

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