([ New People PT. 2 ])

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Bella sat there a bit thinking of what to say feeling a little bad about her situation. But what to say?


Suddenly a random idea came to her head, so she just said it aloud.

"You don't have to. You could write something about eating disorders, padding on the swim team, service members, and the list can go on." Bella said in a flat tone as she continued to sit there waiting for the bell to ring. But suddenly a group of people caught her attention as they made their way inside.

"Those are the Cullens. Dr. and Mrs. Cullens adopted children. They keep to themselves mostly because they're together. Together." Jessica spoke up seeing where Bella was looking. But they seemed off to her, too graceful and too coordinated for a group of teenagers. She subconsciously took in every detail of the possible threat, as Jessica explained who they were, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, and Edward.


Soon the next class came, Biology. Bella walked in looking at the faces of the students, and noticed that Edward was in this class. She elected to ignore this fact, but she ended up walking by the fan in front of the room. At that point she noticed a change in Edward, he seemed to have reacted too strongly to her scent for any normal person. So Bella just filed this away for later as she received her stuff, but just Bella's luck, she was seated right next to Edward.

During the class they worked on a study, but the whole time Bella couldn't help but notice that Edward was tense and uncomfortable the whole class. It's not that she actively tried to notice, but after everything she's been through you tend to notice a lot more things than normal people. And right as the bell rang he was up and out the door, but she really didn't care at the moment she was stressed, anxious, and just wanted to go home.

Soon she was right back where she started, the office, and right inside was Edward, trying to get his schedule changed. And deciding to try and not be nosey besides her hearing, she waited out side. When Edward stormed out she calmly entered turned in some papers, and went back outside to meet Charlie at the diner for dinner. Which was a pretty quiet affair besides a few questions here and there, but they just stuck to the story.


During the next week Edward didn't show up to school, but that didn't really faze Bella, it just raised her suspicions. The other Cullens however seemed to just carry on, which didn't affect her, but every other student from her first day still seems interested in her. They just aren't getting the hint, but other than that Bella was somewhat getting used to all the people. Even though she was still very uncomfortable, and prone to panic, flashes, and sudden change in mood. But she still continued.


This morning after Bella went down the steps she suddenly slipped on a patch of ice. Causing her left hand to come out of her pocket, catching herself, letting the momentum carry her legs up, her body curl up like a spring, and using her muscles to force her legs out and up resulted in her landing back on her feet. She took a moment to process what just happened as well as shake some memories out of her head, as Charlie walked up to her.

"You alright, Bella?" He asked to check on her.

"Yeah, been through a lot worse." She blankly responded as she continued to her bike.

"Right, well I'm gonna be late this evening. There was some sort of animal attack in the next county, thought I could lend a hand." Charlie explained going to his car.

"Be careful." Was all she said before putting on her helmet.

"Always am." He responded, closing his door and the two drove off.


Classes went as usual for Bella up until Bio. As usual she ignored the two boys following her and hung up her umbrella before turning around. And low and behold, there sat one Edward Cullen, but she just elected to ignore him like she did everyone else as she sat down.

"Hello." He suddenly spoke gaining a moment of her attention before she looked back at the teacher.

"I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself, my name is Edward Cullen. And your Bella?" He continued gaining her attention for another brief moment before she looked back again. And at this point Bella figures that she's talked to everyone that insists on continuing to talk to her, once.

"Yeah, Bella Swan." Is what she decided to say. And soon after the teacher explained what they were doing for this study.

"Ladies first." Edward said as he pushed the microscope to Bella. She hesitated for a second before looking.

"Prophase." She stated, wrote it down on her worksheet, and excepted the fact that she would have to talk to this person more often than she'd like.

"You mind if I take a look?" He asked but she didn't answer verbally but instead pushed it over to him.

"Prophase" He repeated but she still didn't say anything.

"You enjoying the rain?" He asked in an awkward manner.

"It's fine." She acknowledged as she changed the dish and looked.

"Anaphase" she said shortly after already pushed it over to him and writing it on her worksheet.

"Anaphase" he repeated again also writing it.

"Do you like rain?" He suddenly asked as he changed the dish this time and looked.

"Metaphase" he said shortly after and pushed it over to Bella and she looked and began writing.

"Depends." She decided to indulge him since they were basically stuck together and he would probably keep asking her questions.

"It depends on what?" He asked walking up to her in the hall. She glanced at him again but kept walking and subconsciously took note of everything around her filing it away for later. And thankfully he got the hint and left her alone, so she walked to her bike, started it, and was about to put on her helmet.

Suddenly Bella heard screeching tires and a horn repeatedly going off, after a single glance pure instinct took over, as she tore out of the spot leaving her helmet. But the van still clipped Bella's back tire, causing it to come out from under her, so she let it go and let herself slide on her left side.

When she came to a stop Bella looked herself over and found nothing besides her jacket had been damaged. After this discovery she checked on her bike and found a few scratches but nothing was broken. Bella then moved it to the side ignoring everyone that was beginning to crowd, as she dug into a compartment on her bike pulling out a small tactical bag, and made her way to the guy in the van.

He apologized over and over to Bella as she opened the door pulling him out, but was soon quieted by her poking and moving of his joints and possibly injured areas. When she got to his head a crowd had formed, but they didn't really get to see anything, as she was done and had given him a wipe and a gauze from the bag before grabbing her helmet from under the van and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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