([ New Home ])

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Sitting in the passenger side of a police car is a young woman who looked to be in her late teens. She had dark brown hair that was pulled back into a braid that trailed over her shoulder, as she looked out the window with brown eyes that were capable of showing so much emotion or none at all. A man, the officer, glanced over from the driver's side to the girl clad in a simple pair of jeans, work boots, a T-shirt, leather jacket, and a pair of gloves.

"You alright?" He asked while looking back to the road.

"Yeah, but I don't see why I couldn't have driven myself. I was trusted to operate military vehicles, yet I couldn't have driven, or rode my bike here." She stated in a flat bored tone giving a glance over at the officer. His only reply was a chuckle with a slight smile.

"It's not that funny Charlie." She said with a slight shake of her head, as she went back to looking out the window.

"No, I'd say it's pretty funny." He said soon after her own response.

"You're lucky that your Rebecca's son." She playfully jabbed at the now named Charlie with a small smirk.

"Well I'd say that your lucky to. Since I got more of my mom's looks, which in turn makes me look more like you. So now this back story seems more believable." Charlie shot back giving her a smirk, as she just rolled her eyes and the smirk faded.

"What are you giving me that look for? I wasn't the one to come up with the story." She defended glancing back at Charlie.

"I know, but still. You gotta admit it is pretty believable." He said trying to reason with her.

"Well. You're not wrong."she conceded shrugging her shoulders. Before Charlie could say anything else they came into a town.

"Welcome to Forks" He stated only to see that she was occupied with looking at the buildings, signs, and people.

A little while later they made it to a house and parked. She got out and took in her surroundings while grabbing her bags to take inside.

"Well here it is. It's not much but you got a bed, desk, dresser, and closet. We can get stuff to decorate later if you want." Charlie explained a bit awkwardly, as he opened up a door to reveal a comfortable plain bedroom.

"No, it's fine. Thank you. I probably won't be using the bed yet anyway." She replied with the last part almost inaudible, as she set her stuff down to put away later. Until she heard something and looked outside with a confused look. Charlie was also confused before he heard it to, a truck engine. Then he suddenly seemed to remember something.

"Oh, I forgot about that." He said to himself more than to her, but thanks to her enhanced senses she still heard.

"Forgot what?" She inquired surprising him a bit, but she didn't want to be left out of the loop.

"My friend, Billy. He comes over time to time from the reservation to watch the games. Usually he brings his son along to. Come on let's go get you introduced." Charlie explained beginning to lead her down the stairs and outside. When they made it out she saw an old pickup truck in the driveway. And two other men making their way up the sidewalk. The older of the two was being pushed in a wheelchair, and the younger was the one pushing him. They had long black hair, russet skin with tones of red, dark warm eyes, and serious looks on their faces, but the lines on them gave away how much they can smile and laugh. When she saw them she decided to just wait, and observe while they greeted each other. But soon the attention was turned to her.

"And who's this?" The older person asked looking over in her direction.

"Billy, you remember me telling you that my daughter, Bella, was coming to stay with me." Charlie casually explained falling to the prepared story.

"Oh, right. I remember now. I'm Billy Black, nice to meet you, and this is my son, Jacob." Introduced both himself and his son while holding out his hand.

"Right, Isabella, or Bella Swan. Nice to meet you too." She replied shaking both of their hands being mindful of her strength, and her left hand that was in her jacket pocket.

"Well. Now that introductions are done. Let's watch the game." Billy excitedly said wheeling off messing around with Charlie, like a couple of kids, before he helped him into the house leaving her and Jacob behind.

"Are they always like this?" She asked blankly turning to him.

"Yup pretty much, but it's getting worse with old age" Jacob nodded seeming to be a bit awkward about the situation, as he made a joke. But the two soon started to make their way inside.

"So do you go to school here at the high school?" She asked to fill the silence.

"No, I go to school on the reservation." He answered her as they entered the house.

"Cool, well I'll be going to the high school here. I guess I'm supposed to start tomorrow I think." She awkwardly continued trying to fill the silence.

"Yup, you start tomorrow. Oh, and here" Charlie cut in seeing her struggle with the conversation, and threw some keys her way.

"They dropped it off before I picked you up." Was all the explanation she needed, as she looked at the keys.

"Cool. Now I don't have to worry about bugging you for a ride." She slightly teased before walking up to her room. She came back down later on after putting her things away. When she got down she was met with Charlie about to walk her way.

"Oh I was just about to get you. Food is ready." He said before walking back to the living room. She walked over to get some food as well, and joined the others in the living room.

As she sat and watched the game thoughts of how her day could go tomorrow filled her head. One thing after the other but she soon pushed them away bringing her attention back, and the night continued. Soon the two Blacks went home leaving the two Swans in the house for the night.

After cleaning up Bella went to get ready for bed, and prepare for the next day. When everything was done she went to sleep on the floor with a couple blankets, as more thoughts went through her head.

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