([ New People PT. 1 ])

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A dark place full of pain and misery. The cold, the dark, the loneliness, the electricity, the gaps in memory, the blood, but always back to the cold when everything suddenly just stops even if it only feels like a short time.


Waking up with a start Bella was sitting on the floor with her blankets wrapped around her legs. A cold sweat going down her forehead, as she tried to calm herself down from the nightmare. Short fast breaths slowly turned deep and calm, as her heart rate slowed. She turned and looked to her left, and saw the shiny overlapping metal plates that covered and protected the gears and wires that was once a regular arm made of flesh and bone. Before she knew it an hour or so had passed, but Bella just continued to sit there looking at the arm, as more memories she wishes were only nightmares played through her head.

"-ey. . . -ey!. . . -lla!. . . Bella!" Bella suddenly snapped out of it looking up to see Charlie knelt just out of reach with a worried look plastered on his face.

"You ok Bella?" He asked scooting a little closer.

"Yeah, just memories" She plainly answered him avoiding his eyes. Charlie just sighed knowing that he wouldn't get any other answers.

"Alright, well. I just came to check on you since you're starting school today." He explained getting off the floor and left the room with a nod. Bella just sat for a few more seconds to regain her thoughts, but she eventually got up and ready for the day. Not long after she walked down the stairs wearing her work boots, black jeans, dark grey T-shirt, a lighter grey hoodie, and leather jacket. On her back was her backpack with everything she believed she would need for the day and in her glove clad hands was her helmet.

"Oh, one more thing here. This is for your PE class."Charlie caught her before she could leave the house handing her some papers.

"Thanks, see you later Charlie." Was all she said before leaving to start her bike. Once she got it going she focused on putting her hair in her helmet. When she was ready she checked her bag to make sure it wouldn't move too much, and when she finished she rode off to the school.


Pulling in and parking was pretty easy for Bella, but after taking off her helmet she noticed that everyone was staring at her. But she just ignored it wanting to just get through the day without having to interact with anyone. Unfortunately that would not happen for her, as she was approached before she could make it to her first class from the office.

"Hey, your Isabella Swan right. The new student?" A boy with short black hair that seemed to be of Asian descent spoke to her. She just looked at him but didn't say anything in return, as she tried to keep walking from the office.

"Right I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need, tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on." He kept talking as she kept walking. Seeing as he wouldn't get the hint and leave her alone she spoke.

"I'm more of a suffer in silence type" was her plain response before she kept trying to lose him.

"Right. Great headline. I'm on the newspaper, and your news baby, front page." This finally got her to stop only to turn around causing him to almost run into her.

"Don't put me in the news, and don't call me 'baby'." She firmly told him before turning back around hoping he'd leave her alone now.

"Woah, chillax. No feature." Was all he said trying to keep up. She didn't respond, but he still followed her.


The day went on and the time came to PE, but she just sate to the side in the bleachers after giving the teacher her papers. But it seemed that life had other plans as a stray ball came towards her. She cought it and looked for whoever wanted it, as one of the guys came up to her seeming nervous.

"Hey your Isabella right. The new girl." He asked as she just gave him the ball trying to get him to go away.

"Well I'm Isaac. Mike Newton." He tried to continue as he stuck his hand out. Now feeling obligated she took it.

"I prefer Bella" Was all she said, as one of the girls walked up.

"Great catch, right? I'm Jessica by the way." She introduced her self, but Bella just stayed silent.

"Hey! Your from Arizona right?" She asked trying to fill the silence. All Bella did was nod trying to ignore them, so they'll leave her alone.

"Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be super tan?" She asked probably trying to jab at her, but Bella wasn't complaining she did have somewhat of a tan through.

"I do have somewhat of a tan, but that's more than I can say for you." Bella said before she had time think about it, but this just caused Mike to laugh, and Jessica just joined in be it awkwardly. But in the end they both finally left her alone.


Now came lunch, which she silently dreaded. She did however manage to find an empty space, but that soon was ruined when the people she had met today came with some other new people and sat with her. She really tried to ignore them, but teenagers are teenagers, so they didn't get the hint to leave her alone.

"Have you met my friend?" Isaac said as he came to sit beside her.

"You mean my home girl Bella?" Eric replied get a studder from Isaac.

"You mean my girl?" Another guy from the parking lot came up beside her giving a sudden kiss to her cheek before pulling the chair out from under Isaac who gave chase. It took everything with in Bella to not punch the guy in the face, or get to angry.

"Wow, it's like kindergarten all over again. Your the shiny new toy." Jessica spoke up seeming a little jealous, but she just ignored it in favor of trying to finish eating. But since she was already almost done anyway it didn't last long.

When she finished a flash suddenly went off causing panic to rush through her. It took every fiber of her being not to lunge at the cause.

"Sorry needed a picture for the feature." A brunette with glasses stated as she held onto a camera.

"The features dead Angela. Drop it." Eric spoke next coming up behind Bella.

"Don't worry I got your back." Eric said next before walking away.

"Well look like we'll have to do another on teen drinking." Angela spoke seeming dejected. Bella sat there a bit thinking of what to say feeling a little bad about her situation. But what to say?

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