New Face and More Sex

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WARNING: There is a lemon in this chapter.

Anything you recognise isn't mine.

It had been a week since Kenji had woken up, after he'd become a half-dragon. Albion, the Vanishing Dragon, had informed him that he'd transferred some extra powers to Kenji as well as the DNA required for him to be a half-dragon.

Firstly, Kenji had the ability to reflect attacks, to a certain extent, which would prove as a very, very good defensive ability if Kenji trained it enough.

Secondly, Kenji could communicate telepathically with other dragons, so only Valian and Albion, then, as far as he knew. Valian was especially relieved that Kenji had gotten this ability.

"Finally." She said. "I don't have to activate my Sacred Gear whenever you and Albion want to have a chat."

Thirdly and finally, Kenji had the ability to absorb power from his opponents and add the power to his own. This was Albion's signature ability that he had developed as he battled Ddraig, the Red Dragon Emperor, over the centuries before he and Ddraig were sealed into Sacred Gears.

As well as the three special abilities Albion had given him, Kenji had all the abilities akin to a regular dragon. He was physically a lot stronger than before, and he had four pairs of dragon wings. The membrane of the wings were blue, and the edge of the wings were white, identical to Valian's own wings. But both the edges and the membranes of the wings had faded to a crimson red.

Needless to say, Albion was a little less than pleased with the colouring of Kenji's wings.

[HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING?!] Albion sobbed, through Kenji's mental link. [To think that I, The White Dragon Emperor, distinguished by being pure-white, turned my host's mate into a half-dragon, and they have wings the colour of my RIVAL, NOT ME!]

"Oh, shut up, you big baby." Kenji had said to Albion, through the mental link he had with Albion. "One, my wings are crimson, not red, know the difference. Two, I don't give a fuck what you think about my wing colour."

"Neither do I." Valian said through her mental link to Albion. "Kenji's wings look so sexy, with three colours instead of two. I'm actually kind of jealous of him."

Albion continued to sob, until Kenji just cut the link, Valian doing the same.

But back to Kenji's abilities thanks to him being a half-dragon...

Kenji's senses were a lot stronger (if he concentrated hard enough, he could hear Penemue and Albedo moaning like crazy in their house, from his room). Also, Kenji's sex drive had gone up exponentially, and he could barely hold himself from fucking Valian senseless for two days, and Valian was the same.

Albion had informed Kenji and Valian that their sex drives would be much higher than average for a dragon's for a couple of weeks after they'd first mated, so they could 'imprint their scents' on each other as much as possible. After that, they'd calm down, and essentially go back to normal.

But speaking of that sex drive...

"OH, FUCK! KENJI~!" Valian screamed. She and Kenji had just been fucking each other in the shower, for the last hour. She moaned in thankful lust as Kenji came inside her, and slumped against the wall of the shower, panting heavily.

"That... was... awesome." Valian whispered. "You're lasting so much longer while we fuck."

"Perks of being a dragon." Kenji replied, smirking at his soaking wet girlfriend in his arms. "Shall we go get dressed?"

"Yeah." Valian said, letting Kenji set her on her feet. Wobbling slightly, she walked out of the shower. Not bothering to hide her nudity, as she and Kenji were the only ones in the house, she headed over to her room to get dressed, whereas Kenji went to his room to do the same.

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