Chapter Three

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Remus crosses his arms, brows furrowed as he stared at the familiar black owl currently perched on his window seal. The owl let out an impatient screech when Remus didn't immediately open the window to let him in. Remus exhaled in frustration, knowing the owl wouldn't leave without a response, and certainly not with the letter he was currently carrying. So rejection was off the table.
So Remus opened the window and took the letter, the owl nipping his fingers. Remus rolled his eyes, and reluctantly opened the letter.

Remus stared blankly at the ceiling, not sure how to respond to Sirius' letter. On one hand, Sirius had kidnapped Harry. On the other hand, Sirius was Harry's godfather, so was it really kidnapping?

He turned his gaze to the memory vial that had fallen out of the letter, Sirius had requested a meeting at the Shrieking Shack the day after the full moon, knowing Remus would already be there. The vial apparently contained memories, proving his innocence.

Remus not trusting hisself, wrote a letter to Dumbledore, asking if he could use his personal Pensive. Sirius' owl displayed his unhappiness about this arrangement as he was still waiting on the desk for a response to his letter.

Unfortunately the letter to Dumbledore was a huge waste of time, parchment, and ink. Dumbledore's reply was short and simple. Remus groaned at the obvious rejection. I mean why would Dumbledore do anything truly useful?

Remus screwed his eyes shut, inwardly cursing when his poor attempt at ignoring the angry owl on his desk failed. "Alright, alright!"

He hoped with everything in him that he wasn't making the biggest mistake of his life. Trusting Sirius—against all of the crimes he was wanted for, including the ones the ministry wasn't aware of. Sirius and Harry were all he had left in this world, he had to trust him. And although Remus wouldn't admit it, he desperately needed his friend back. He needed Sirius. As the last living Marauders, they had to stick together. And with another threatening hoot from the impatient owl, Remus started writing a response.

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