Chapter Two

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Sirius groaned as Harry bounced in his makeshift crib, babbling away to no one. The first week of raising Harry had been difficult, Harry subconsciously remembered that night at Godric's Hollow. He couldn't and wouldn't understand the memory yet, but he displayed responses connected to it. He'd been quiet, never crying or playing for the first week. Another week passed and Harry started warming up to Sirius.

Harry had finally noticed Sirius was awake and reached his hands out for him, giggling when Sirius rolled out of bed with a huff. He scooped his godson into his arms and spun him around, "Morning Prongslet," Sirius laughed as Harry clapped his hands. "Daa! Daa Daa!"

Sirius sighed, he had of course, been overjoyed the first time Harry had attempted to call him 'dada,' he'd nearly had a heart attack when it happened. Then Sirius felt guilty. He couldn't help but feel like he was replacing James. He knew James wouldn't be mad, James would accept Harry needing a father figure without him around, yet he couldn't stop the guilt.

"Daada!" Sirius grinned, tossing Harry into the air. Hearing his godson's laugh as he caught him was the highlight of his day. The first time he had heard that laugh, Sirius and James were attempting to feed Harry something other than milk. Sirius had ended up covered in mashed peas and carrots, James managing to get escape the mess, unfairly in Sirius' opinion.
Lily and Remus couldn't stop laughing as Sirius whined over his hair being sticky. But the moment he heard that high pitched giggle—he was lost.

When Sirius had taken Harry, he had nowhere to go. He couldn't go to one of the family properties, the aurors would be scouting them. And he couldn't go to his flat, especially when he didn't know if Remus would hear him out or not. He wasn't willing to risk losing Harry, so he decided to stay in the muggle world.

Moving from apartment to apartment, they never stayed in a place for too long, the ministry was still looking for Sirius after all.

Sirius was also worried about Harry's 11th birthday, Harry would be accepted into Hogwarts and he didn't know what he was going to do when that time came. He'd thought about contacting Remus, although he was still unsure on where they stood. Peter had framed Sirius that night before causing the explosion that killed 12 muggles. Sirius had been blamed for that too, and Peter was assumed dead—killed by the mass murder, Sirius Black. He ignored the ache in his heart as he turned to Harry.

Harry was playing with one of the wooden figurines Sirius had found in a muggle store, Harry appeared to be in his own world, unaware of Sirius' gaze. It was then that Sirius decided to teach Harry how to become an Animagus like himself. Once Harry was old enough and had an Animagus form, Sirius would contact Remus.

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