"Am I keeping you up Britt?" I chuckle as Britt yawns for like the millionth time over dinner. "Sorry, didn't sleep much." she says. "Oh yeah...did you guys.." I wiggle my eyebrows at Britt to give me the gossip. "We did...several times!" she says, sucking the air through her teeth. "So how was it?" I am fully invested and intrigued. Before Britt can answer, the waiter has come over to pour us more of the bottle of wine we had ordered. "Thank you" Britt says as the waiter walks off. "I mean it was good" she says, but I feel like she holding back. "I feel like theres a but?" I add. "But I don't know, I thought it would be romantic, gentle..but it was kind of rough!" she kind of winces bit. "Rough?" I ask. "Yeah, I felt like I was being fucked and not making love" Britt's cheek flush a little, out of embarrassment I would assume. 

"That's just sex Britt...weren't you and Nick into rough housing a little?" I hate having to ask the question. "Not really it was all very...vanilla" she says, thinking back. "There you go then, it's something new." I say sipping on my wine. "Yeah and the sex injuries and soreness is new too." she scoffs. "Britt, don't be a baby" I laugh. "I'm not!" she snaps, getting on the defence. "Look. Sex can be rough, keeps it interesting. All part of the fun, but sex should also be gentle, romantic. If it's bothering you that much, then talk to her. When you're in a relationship with another woman, communication is even more important. You're both sensitive and emotional. So just talk to her." 

"Ladies, can I get you some food?" Our waiter from earlier has returned for our order. "I'll take the fillet, blue with béarnaise sauce please" I say, handing my menu back. "Good choice. And for you ma'am?" he asks Brittany. "I will take the Salmon please." she smiles and too hands her menu back. "What do I say?" Britt seeks advice. "Did you go down on her?" I want to know firstly. "Y-Yeah I did." she gets a little bashful. "And how was it? Were you rough?" I ask her. "No" she says looking down at her fingers. "And did she enjoy it?" I continue. "Yeah, well...she came" Britt shrugs, sipping on her wine to hide her ever-growing flushing cheeks. "So just tell her, say can we try it a little gentler next time. She is the girl you're seeing. Not some one night stand, she will listen." I smile at Britt to make her feel better.  "You're so right." Britt says thankfully. "She also asked me to meet her parents!"

"AAH BRITT!!" I squeal in excitement for my friend. "That's amazing" I add. "So when are you going?" I ask her, wanting details on this. "Well, I sort of said I can't." Britt shrugs, her face anticipating my inevitable reaction. "Brittany S Pierce!!!! And why did you say no?" I scold her. "I am just not ready..." she sighs. "Britt, it's been almost two months. That's like two years in Lesbian land." I say. "I don't know, I just want to be sure." she says. Our food arrives which momentarily halts conversation. "I just want to be sure she's worth it." Britt says as she cuts up her salmon. "Okay I am saying this because I love you..." I place down my cutlery and look right at my friend. "Ookaaaay" she says chewing the salmon in her mouth and too putting her cutlery down.

"You need to get a grip" I say bluntly, almost making her choke on her food. "Excuse me?" she says, sipping on her drink to help her food go down. "You need to take those pretty little hands of yours and get a grip. You're a big girl, I get this is all new and can be intimidating, but you just need to throw yourself into it, this is what dating is for. Just meet her parents, it really isn't a big deal." I say. Brittany doesn't say a word and carries on eating her food. "It's not that easy for me as it is for you." she finally responds. "And what does that mean?" I say defensively. "You have done this a hundred times, you have done your fair share. Just because relationships clearly don't mean as much-" I throw down my cutlery on the table, the sound clanking catching the attention of a few on lookers. "San, I am sorry I didn't mean-".

"You think relationships don't mean anything to me?" I snap. "Well, you have dated so many girls.." Britt says, her demeanour getting smaller. "Yeah DATED Brittany, but doesn't mean relationships mean any less to me." I raise my voice a little. "Sorry, it's hard to tell..." I throw my napkin down on the table and get up from my chair. "Bye Brittany" I storm off, I can hear Brittany calling out to me as I leave, but I leave her sat alone in the restaurant. 

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