First meet

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Dear Diary ..
Today I have seen a boy
He was waiting for me in the cafe
I ignored him
He tried to talk to me
But I avoided him
Actually he looks nice
I think he likes me
But he was weird so me
He was stalking me
I feel like I am not safe
I know he will try and talk to me again
Maybe I will give him a chance
I don't know
I don't know him too
I don't know what to do .. and I don't know my feelings
it is too complicated
At all I will not do anything for now
Don't be worried my diary
I will be okay
Goodnight for today


On Sunday morning
*I got my milkshake my favourite drink .. and here he is *
*He is looking at me too much*
*I have to set an end to this*

"Hey you .. stop looking at me like that I am not a picture in museum"

'what is your name?'

"Are you following me everywhere I go?"

'I follow your amazing eyes'

"How dare you !! Stop following me .. Next time I will call the police"

*I get back to my place .. Now I think he will not try again .. I think what I have done is the right thing *


*After a week *
*Here he is again..this one isn't give up*
*He is coming to me now ! *
*What I will gonna do!??*

'Hey I guess you see me before .. I mean no harm .. I just wanna talk'

"We have nothing to talk about"

'Give me a chance I wanna be you friend'

"So !!"

'Want a milkshake ?'

"Actually .. I love it"

'I know that'

"Okay it is a good start"

'Now tell me .. what is your name?'

"It is Nicole"

'Nice to meet you Nicole'

"What about you? .. you didn't tell me yours"

'It is Kaleb'

"Okay Kaleb..what are you want now?"

'Let's be friends'

"That easy ?!"

'Why not?'

"You a guy I don't who you really are .. we can't be just friends from the first meet"

'Will you give me a chance'

"For what ? Be just friends or a lovers?"

'A lovers ?!'

"Yes , I know you like me .. it is very obvious"

'So you know !'

"Yeah sure .. and we can't be in a relationship.. at least I can't .. I don't know you .. maybe I allowed myself to know you .. but I won't allow to myself to be in a relationship with you that fast"

'Okay then I will take the chance and be your friend .. can I ?'

"Okay that's fine for now"

'I will see you again .. will I ?'

"Sure like always"

'Good .. Now I have to go to my work'

"Have a nice day Kaleb"

*Oh I was afraid from that*
*I think he is not that bad*
*I don't know .. I will not decide now*

To be continued ...

Town Underground जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें