'The war hasn't ended yet'

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*In the night*
*I used the music box .. I imagined a copy of vampire*
*I ordered him to go to that portal and kill a witch*
*I ordered him to be seen by anyone*
*After a while he came to me .. he has done his mission*
*I did my move*
*Now I am waiting for witches's move*

*In the second day*
*I went to Kaleb*

"Hey Kaleb"

'hey Nicole'

"What are you doing?"

'I am preparing myself'

"Preparing yourself for what?"

'you don't know yet?'

"Know what Kaleb what happened?"

'a vampire killed a witch yesterday'

"Why he did that?"

'I don't know that .. but some witches saw him running away'

"Do you have spoken to the vampires?"

'They denied that .. beside that I didn't forget what Coner threatened you'

"And you promised me you won't do anything stupid !"

'what about the dead witch ?!'

"So what are you going to do?"


"War !! You are going to have a war with vampires on your own?!!"

'Not on my own every witch is going'

"Kaleb it is a bad idea trust me"

'remember the story that I told you about the war between vampires and witches?'

"Yeah that is the one which it ended with a peace treaty and you told me that war hasn't ended yet"

'Exactly it hasn't end yet'

"Kaleb listen to me .. this is a stupid idea trust me .. think about it what if you have died .. what if the keys you carry have been stolen .. every dark object will be stolen and that maybe get every single witch to die including Ariana .. maybe I would be the next dead one after Ariana on Coner's hand .. think about me if you don't think about your witches"

'then I have a work for you .. follow me'

"What work Kaleb? I am telling you that to stop it"

'here get the dark crossbow you know it stops moves anyone .. so use it and protect this basement and get the keys keep it with you .. Nicole I trust you'

"Kaleb I can't do this .. please"

'No you can I know you can and you have a belt it will protect you .. and I am sorry for letting you in this war'

"So don't let me in that !"

'I need you this time .. please'

"Do you promise me that you will back one-piece?"

'I will and I will take you to the dinner in one night .. I don't wanna you to be afraid.. everything is going to be okay I promise'

"Just be safe"

To be continued ...

What do you expect for what is coming next ?

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