Disaster Strikes

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Derek is at a car rental counter trying to rent a car. A RECEPTIONIST is waiting on him. He is obviously frustrated.

RECEPTIONIST: I am sorry Señor. There are no rentals available.

DEREK: There's got to be ONE car here I can rent! I don't care WHAT it is. I'll pay you double the normal rate.

RECEPTIONIST: I'm sorry Señor. I wish I could help you. But there are none.

DEREK: What about a taxi? Can I get a cab in this God-forsaken place?

RECEPTIONIST: I will make a call for you.

Derek is obviously agitated.


The taxi is making its way through the streets of Coro. There are people everywhere in the streets, dressed in colorful costumes and dancing. It is a festive, carnival atmosphere.

DEREK(to CABBIE): What's going on here? What's the occasion? Some kind of Holiday?

CABBIE: (broken English) Holiday? Oh, yes Señor. The big Holiday. We celebrate el Festival de Luces; El sol, la luna, las estrallas. The, uh...Festival of Light;Sun, moon, stars. Everybody has a good time. Everyone stays out of their homes ...in the streets.

DEREK: I can see that. I need to rent a car. A jeep. Take me someplace to rent a jeep.

CABBIE: That will be...uh, diffi-cult. No one works today. The festival... everyone has a party.

DEREK:(annoyed) Then take me someplace where I can BUY a GODDAM jeep!

CABBIE: Ahhh, buy? No place. But I do have friend who sell you his jeep. A GOOD auto-mobile. I ride in it once.

DEREK(sarcastic): Terrific.

The taxi makes its way through the streets and finds its way to the outskirts of town.


The taxi stops in front of a rundown farmhouse. The Cabbie honks his horn. A few moments, then out of the house lumbers an OVERWEIGHT MAN (JUAN), perspiring profusely. He makes his way to the taxi as Derek and the Cabbie get out.

CABBIE: (subtitled, English): Buenos días, Juan. Es un día bueno, )no? (Good morning, Juan. Nice day, eh?)

JUAN: (subtitled, English)Ud. me desperató. Esto debe ser algo bueno.)Quien es el canoa? (You woke me up. This better be good.) (Who's the asshole?)

DEREK: What did he say?

CABBIE: He says he welcomes you to his home.

DEREK: Ask him about the jeep.

CABBIE: (to Juan) (subtitled, English) Quiere comprar su Jeep, mi amigo. Ya lo tiene? (He wants to buy your jeep, my friend.) (Do you still have it?)

Juan points in the direction of the barn.

JUAN:(subtitled, English) Sí. (Yes.)

DEREK: (to Cabbie) How much does he want for it?

CABBIE: (to Juan)(subtitled, English) )Cuánto quiere, Juan? (How much do you want for it, Juan?)

Juan thinks for a moment.

JUAN:(subtitled, English) Doscientos dólares. (Two hundred dollars.)

CABBIE: (to Derek) He say he want four hundred dollars.

SUN MOON STARS RAIN (audiobook script)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora