Chapter 43

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After dinner, Byeong Ho left to sleep as he was old and needed proper rest and Jimin fed Wonie and she also fell asleep after feeling all the exhaustion from the whole day. Jungkook switched on the baby monitor and asked the nanny to stay with Wonie all the time.

The others also changed into comfortable pajamas and gathered into the living room to have fun for the night. Now the living room's look was totally changed, the sofas and table were removed and gaddis (cushions) were placed on the floor. Along with the Jeon family other people were also present. They were Jungkook and Suga's distant cousins with their wives and kids. Everyone sat in a circle and Suga started to explain the game.


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"So, the first game is called passing the parcel. But now we don't have a parcel so pass this small cushion. The rules are one will operate the song and not look back while the others would pass this cushion to th e person beside him/her. Now when the operator stops the song whoever is with the cushion has to complete a dare given by others and once the dare is completed he/she will be eliminated. Whoever is the last to remain is the winner. The dares could be anything like singing, dancing, acting, etc. Now have everyone understood the rules?"

"Oh, this is a nice and interesting game. Let's start but who is the song operator." Jin asked with excitement visible in her voice.

"Well song operator will be 'Madam Song'. A big round of applause for Madam Song please." Tae said while introducing Madam Song and everyone did as said.

The game began, it started with Suga passing it to tae who was right beside him. Tae also passed it to the next person and this continued and the song stopped. Jin smiled helplessly and looked at the cushion in her hands. "I was so excited about the games and I'm the one who gets eliminated in the first round. This is so unfair."

"Rules are rules, Maa. But before the elimination you have to complete the dare." Suga teased Jin. "Ok fine, give me the dare. What do I have to do?" All of them were thinking what dare to give to Jin when Jimin spoke, "Maa, why don't you confess your love to Papa?" Everyone cheered and agreed with the idea. Jungkook also joined the fun, "Yes Maa, we all know how Papa is so romantic so this is your chance to show you are not any less romantic than Papa."

"Fine, Namjoon Ji I love you very much." Namjoon felt shy and his cheeks blushed while the others awed and cheered for them.

Just like this several rounds were played and more than half were eliminated. Namjoon got a dare to sing and after the song everyone decided to never let him sing again. Now only Suga, Tae, Jungkook and Jimin were left. Again a new round started and this time Suga was carrying the ball. "Since you are such a great music composer then please dance in 'London Thumakda' (an Indian song)."

"What dancing? God, when you talked about music composing I thought you would be asking me to sing or even rap but you asked me to dance. But Jeon Yoongi can do anything as long as he focuses. Now watch me Miss Taehyung."

After the song ended everyone was clasping their mouth and breathing heavily. "Wow, I didn't know my son could do so bad dancing. If you compete with this level of dancing you can easily get the second position from the bottom." As Jin finished dissing Suga everyone erupted with laugh.

"Suga, you really suck at dance." Even Jungkook teased Suga. "Maa, Bhai, really you guys are so mean. All of you guys are ganging up on me together." Tae couldn't stop her laughs. Jimin stopped laughing and comforted the crying Suga, "It's okay Suga, at least you tried."

"As expected my bhabhi is the best. Only she comforts me while the others are busy laughing." Namjoon retorted, "And when you were laughing at others. You also couldn't stop laughing when I sang. Son you reap what you sow." Suga couldn't retort back even when he wanted so he quietly got eliminated.

In the next round Tae got eliminated and had to sing as a dare. Suga gave this dare thinking she couldn't sing but what surprised him was her sweet and melodious voice. Suga's face looked funny when his plan didn't work. For the finals only Jungkook and Jimin were left.

"Looks like Jungkook and Jimin will against each other and this round will decide the winner." Suga asked Madam song to start the music. Jungkook and Jimin were passing the cushion to each other and the song stopped. Everybody's eyes were on the cushion and it was with Jungkook.

"Finally, the winner has been decided and it's Jimin bhabhi. A very big round of applause for my bhabhi. Congratulations bhabhi. And also as we can see the legendary Jeon Jungkook has lost the game so he will have to complete a dare." Even though Jungkook lost but he still had a smile on his face, why because the opponent is Jimin, his wife.

"Ok tell me what do I have to do." Jungkook said already accepting the outcome. "This is a very difficult question for you and you just have to answer. So tell us what is Wonie and Jimin bhabhi to you. We know the relation but what do you think of them." Suga asked Jungkook.

"Jimin is my queen and Wonie is my little princess." Everybody applauded when they heard Jungkook's answer and Jimin blushed. After the game it was quite late at night so everyone decided to sleep. It was decided that all the men would sleep on the right side and the women on the left.


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