Chapter 29

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"No no, I'm not lying nor comforting you. You are beautiful." Tae blushed and smiled shyly. "Let's go, Bhai and bhabhi are calling for cutting the cake." Suga pulled Tae towards the stage.

Meanwhile Jimin was shocked to see the cake designed by different roses which is her favourite flower and looked at Jungkook who was smiling at her. Jungkook then whispered in her ears, "Do you think only you can surprise everyone?" Jimin felt a hot tingling sensation in her ears and down her neck. Jin's voice brought them from their back to the reality, "Jimin and Jungkook, bacchas (kids) cut the cake."


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Both of them held the knife together and cut the cake. Loud cheers were heard from the audience. 

After the whole reception party, everyone was tired so they retired to their room for the day. For two consecutive days everyone was busy preparing for the wedding and then reception so, after completing all the rituals everyone went to bed after the party was over.

Two days later, both the Jeon and Park family returned from Rajasthan after the wedding completed. From the airport, both the families separated and went back to their home.

After reaching the mansion, Jin stopped Jimin and Jungkook outside while she went inside to bring the aarti ka thaal. This was Jimin's first time entering the Jeon mansion as Jungkook's wife so, first Jin did the aarti then Jungkook and Jimin enters the mansion. Since all of them were tired from the journey so all of them went to their own rooms and Jimin went to Jungkook's room.

 Since all of them were tired from the journey so all of them went to their own rooms and Jimin went to Jungkook's room

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Jimin sweated a lot so she wanted to take a shower but her luggage was still not sorted out. Jungkook came inside the room after attending a call to see Jimin's puzzled face. "What happened, Jaan?" Jimin pouted, "My luggage is still not sorted and I want to change but what to wear now?" Jungkook smiled a little and said, "Jaan, have you checked the closet whether your luggage is sorted or not?"

 "What happened, Jaan?" Jimin pouted, "My luggage is still not sorted and I want to change but what to wear now?" Jungkook smiled a little and said, "Jaan, have you checked the closet whether your luggage is sorted or not?"

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Jimin looked at Jungkook with a questioning gaze, but still went inside the huge walk-in-closet only to be surprised. All her clothes, shoes, jewelleries and all other things were sorted in an orderly manner. Before she could say anything, she heard Jungkook saying, "Well your dutiful husband already told the servants to sort out your luggage before we came back." Jimin couldn't hold back and hugged the man tightly. Before she used to avoid the topic of marriage like a plague but this isn't so bad.

"Now now, I thought you wanted to go take a shower but now you yourself is delaying," teased Jungkook. Jimin left the hug and went inside the washroom. 


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Just then, someone knocked on the door. Jungkook opened the door to see Hae Won crying loudly and the nanny looked helplessly at him. Hae Won's whole face became red due to crying continuously.

"What happened? I've never seen her crying so much." Jungkook asked with worry filled voice while taking his daughter in his arms in efforts to stop her crying. "Sir, I don't know myself why the little princess is crying so much. She already ate and napped like usual. But after waking up from her nap she immediately started crying. I tried everything to stop her crying but failed." Jungkook nodded at the nanny's explanation and went inside his room.

Jungkook started to rock her and showed her toys and other things to distract her but nothing seemed to work. Hae Won is usually calm and doesn't cry that much. Only when she is hungry will she cry to grab the person's attention. But today neither she eats nor she stops crying.

Jimin hurriedly came outside when she heard Hae Won's cries only to see all of Hae Won's toys on the floor and Jungkook still trying to calm Hae Won down but Jimin could understand he was worn out. She Immediately took Hae Won from Jungkook, "What happened my baby? Why do you cry so much?" Jimin slowly patted her back and wiped the tears and snots away with a wet wipe. Gradually, Hae Won calmed down but Jimin felt her body temperature a bit warmer than usual.

"Jungkook, I think the plane journey took a toll on her body. She seems to be having a light fever. Could you call a doctor and ask for his opinion?" Jungkook immediately called their family doctor. "Singh uncle, Hae Won seems to have a light fever. Can you come home?" Jungkook hanged up the phone after receiving a positive answer.

The others also rushed inside Jungkook's room when they heard about Hae Won's sickness. "Kookie did you call Doctor Singh?" Namjoon asked Jungkook, to which he replied, "Yes papa, he said he will come immediately." Jin also sat near Jimin to tend to her grand-daughter. Both Jimin and Jungkook were feeling restless and Jin noticed that. She reassured them, "Jimin Kookie, babies also fall sick. Don't worry. Everything will be fine, besides our little Wonie is a fighter. Isn't that right, Wonie?" Jin lightly tapped Hae Won's face who was curled up in Jimin's arms and clutched her shirt tightly. Anybody could say she was in pain and feeling uncomfortable and this pained the elders very much. Looking at the happy baby in so much pain was really painful for the adults.

Just then, a maid brought Dr Singh in the room.


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