Chapter 4

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Fuck my life. I had to start school today and I was not happy about it. Only lucky thing is that it was an English speaking school so they didn't have to know I spoke Italian just yet.

But the good thing was the bike had arrived on time just like Dave had said.

I "accidentally" overslept and no one came to wake me up so I'm late. Honestly I could care less about school since I already had a successful career that makes me enough money to last for generations.

I went downstairs to get something to eat before breakfast. "You're late" Alexander stated. He was sitting at the table in a suit and his phone in his hand.

"No shit?"

"Shouldn't you be at school already?" it was way too early for his shits.

"I probably should but I'm hungry"

"Here," he passed me a plate of scrambled eggs. They seem to eat a lot of eggs for breakfast

"Come to think of it, I'm really late to school. Bye" I went to the garage and saw my beautiful bike there. My love, I hadn't seen it in a whole week.

I got on it and started driving. I was not sure where the school was but I just followed my instinct and got there in half an hour. Good enough.

I took my helmet off and put it onto the bike. The whole parking lot is filled with luxurious cars. Barely any bikes. There was a few but not too many.

Italia is pretty safe, at least when I last lived here and these people are rich so I doubt that they'll take my helmet. 

Even though I've been here for almost a week now, the feeling of euphoria still hasn't left my stomach.

I just wish my childhood home was still there.

When I left Italia I also left so many people behind so I hope I'll be able to recognize them if I ever saw them.

I walked inside the school, already dreading it.

I took my phone out of my pocket, feeling a slight buzz coming from it. It was a message from Alexander telling me to get to school safe and to remember to go to school and not skip. He probably saw my record from my old school of how much I skipped.

Suddenly I bumped into someone. The person was literally rock solid or the guy felt rock solid.

I stumbled back, looking up at the guy. He was tall.

 "Watch it," he said, making me feel offended. What the fuck. It was not- never mind, it was kind of my fault but whatever. There was no need for him to be so rude about it.

"Excuse me? You should watch where you're going."

"Ah, an American. What was I thinking? You Americans seem to have no manners whatsoever" double what the fuck. I didn't even to anything to the guy yet and he's insulting me already.

"The fuck crawled up your ass? And for the record I was born here, asshole." Since I'm feeling like a good person and I'm not in such a mood to fight with this guy, I walked away. Not before shoving him though. Although I'm the one that ended up being hurt but at least i tried.

I walked to the office to get my locker shit and my timetable. 

"Tu sono Valencia?" The person behind the counter asked. She seemed nice. (Are you Valencia?)

"Sì" I said. She started clicking some stuff on her computer and soon the printer was printing some papers.

"Here is your schedule. Here's stuff your guardian will have to fill out and sign. This is everything you'll need for your locker. And this is what your guarding will have to fill out online if you will continue at this school after three months" she explained everything, giving me the papers.

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