Chapter 1

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‖ V A L E N C I A ‖

I walked to school, knowing everyone there hated me. I wasn't exactly the most hated there but still pretty hated. Why? No idea.

I stopped caring when someone made fun of me for trying to be their friend. I was a 13-year-old trying to make friends but failed miserably. It was quite pathetic now that I look back to that day.

I had my headphones on so I could block out all the shit-talkers and just focus on school. Although I don't focus in classes but I still have to attend them because this one time I stopped attending school for weeks and literally the principal called CPS to the house.

I know, stupid.


I walked onto the arena, knowing everyone loved me here. People didn't know my identity, which was the best part about all of this.

I was one of the most well known fighters in the underworld as well as an assassin.

I wore a mask  that was shaped like a butterfly. It was like a standard mask that covered half of your face. The mask itself was mostly purple and it was made personally by my old trainer's wife. 

They were a lovely couple, it was a shame they were killed.

My opponent walked on stage. People cheering on him quite loudly. I could tell some people traveled here just to watch this match. 

I knew him. He was known as Tiger down here due to his strength and size. He was double my size but I knew the guy well enough to know he has no strategies. The only reason he ever won is because he was bigger than his opponents and they feared him, not knowing if they just observed him a bit they'd be able to win him pretty easily.

Confidence was also one of the most important things in fighting. You don't have that, you're gone.

He showed his muscled to the crowd, showing he was strong. He was strong and he knew it. 

The judge soon started the game. 

We circled each other for a minute before he lunged.

To me the first rule was: never start the fight. It was something I've lived by for a long time. The simple yet powerful move in the start of the game could cause your opponent to figure out your next moves or your game strategy.

I dodged his punch, stepping aside, making him go straight to the ground. I gave him some time to get up on his knees, not facing me yet before I kicked him as hard as I could on his head.

The cheering only got louder from the right side of the room. There was very little cheering coming from the left side but  there still was a bit.

The judge ran over to check the guy's pulse before standing up. He lifted the dude's hand and held my hand. 


The cheering and yelling continued even louder than before.

The fight tonight was easier than usually.

Swapped FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora