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A/n: This is a thirst trap it's what I write. Truly, keep it thirsty is what we do here.

It is what it is

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It is what it is. This has some insta-lust but there's a lot of plot line in this. Insta-lust doesn't equal insta-love and or it working out. I write extremely explicitly. It's like an old school kindle if I'm honest. I keep it real so it doesn't really have a lane. There's not really gonna be a smooth ride to hearts and flowers. Again, it is what it is.

My vibe might not be your vibe, that's ok. Wattpad has a lot of lovely free books. Thank you for dropping by and I hope you find something you do like because there's 100s plus of wonderful writers on Wattpad. Honestly, it's filled with tons of gems. It's pretty shocking and there are so many off lane books where the lane doesn't exist for them yet.

I've waited so fucking long to publish this book. I wrote it free write in 2017-2018ish. But the problem is no real AI penetration and no augmented reality penetration for regular romance readers. I'm kind of a nerd and these topics are normal for me. But for most people it wasn't as normalized. I always have a rule if I call up my mom and she doesn't know or understand the thing I'm talking about, I leave it alone. My mom is a science nerd, but it's microbiology her science not really techy in a valley sense so she's a good judge on how mainstream a concept is. Because I write books about nerds, who love nerds it can be a little too off the path. Which I don't mind but I don't want this book to sound too sci-fi. So, I'm really glad I finally got to publish it. No, the book isn't a sci-fi book, but it's a book about a tech billionaire who hooks up with a farmer (low-key tech) as well. So, there's nerd moments and I love the nerd moments because they get each other. When you get in relationships, finding people who get that nerd part of you is one of my favorite things about the nerd love type books I write. If it comes from Noah and his love of painting and shipwrighting. Or Asher and his love of music that he finds someone who gets him back.

Do you need to read the other books to understand this book?

No, but it has characters from other books. Sometimes they aren't named and sometimes they have a full name scene. I don't write like you should know them if it's not from the same series. This book in the same Universe but not in the same series so no problem

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