Chapter 92 Go Ahead

Start from the beginning

I'll try better said, Mariah. Well, thank you for that said Tessa pulling her in for a more lingering kiss. The kids are going to be thrilled to see you in bed tomorrow morning. Mariah pulled a face. Ooh come on Mariah, it will only be an hour out of your day. You don't have to stay for breakfast said Tessa getting annoyed. Woah! said Mariah I'll be here. Why did you think I wouldn't be? You pulled that face of yours when you don't want to do something. Mariah laughed. I was thinking of something entirely different. Oh yeah, and what was that? asked Tessa. Mariah pulled her in and kissed her with passion. Oh, I see, I think I know what you want. Coffee can wait. It sure can said Mariah as she grabbed her wife's hand and pulled her up the stairs. Where they spent the next two hours, exploring one another's bodies and making one another orgasm with great force. It had been a while since they had made the effort, to enjoy one another like that. When they were laying in the afterglow, Tessa turned to Mariah. I love you, and we will get through this busy time for you at Jabot together. But I really think we should consider putting the adoption on hold for a while.

At least until your workload has eased off a bit. "Tessa" Mariah was about to argue with her. But then realized before anything came out of her mouth, that Tessa was right. She couldn't see how they were going to fit time in with two other kids coming into their lives. Not just yet anyway. You were going to say something? said Tessa hinting. I was said, Mariah and then I retracted everything I was going to argue it with, into the realization that you are absolutely right. I am? queered Tessa. Yeah, you are on this point said Mariah smiling at her. We do need to get through this insanely busy time for me. I also need time to sort my priorities out at Jabot and delegate and hand them off to my team more. So that when we get our extra two kids that we want, you don't feel snowed under again and also so that we have everything in place so we can cope, by the time you go on tour again. That sounds like a great plan to me said Tessa leaning in for another kiss. Do you want to get up and have coffee now?

Err, how about you go down and get it and we'll snuggle up here in bed instead, and put some music on said, Mariah. Okay said Tessa you sort the music while I'm gone. They enjoyed being snuggled up to one another for the rest of the night. Until they were rudely awakened by Bowie and Crystal jumping on the bed at 7 am! They were both delighted to see Mariah and gave her lots of hugs and kisses. Crystal hung onto her like a limpet. I think she missed you the most said Tessa handing Mariah her morning coffee, while she still had Crystal clung to her. Well, she's going to have to let go soon said Mariah kissing the top of her head. Because this mom has to go and have a shower, then have some breakfast with all of you, and then get to work, so that I can put into motion what we talked about last night. So that then I can spend more time with you guys. Tessa finished her coffee. Okay, guys, we need to let mom get in the shower and get ready for work. And I need to get you two dressed and ready for kindergarten. When they were all downstairs, Mariah even managed to stay and have a slice of toast with the kids. Tessa was so grateful for the effort she was making.

Thanks said Mariah as she kissed Tessa goodbye before heading out. For what? said Tessa. for making me take a breath this morning. It's been lovely having time with you and the kids and made me stop thinking about work for a second. My pleasure said Tessa I hope it's the first of many mornings together, once you've sorted out your workforce, and delegated a bit better. Mariah went over to Crystal and Bowie and gave them kisses and hugs and told them she hoped to be home in time to put them to bed tonight. They jumped up and down with joy. Okay, I have to go said Mariah as she kissed Tessa again. I love you. And I love you said Tessa as she helped Mariah carry her bags to the door. Just let me know if you're not going to make it home for bedtime please whispered Tessa as she hugged Mariah. "Tessa" I promise I'll be home in time, no matter what Kyle throws at me. Okay said, Tessa. I said I will sort things out, and I will. She gave Tessa a quick peek on the cheek and opened the door. See you later, bye kids. She waved at them and they waved back. Tessa breathed a huge sigh of relief, that the talk with Mariah had gone so well. She was hoping this was the turning point for them, and then they could finish the extension together and finally go ahead and extend their family by two more.

Mariah arrived at Jabot, feeling like a new woman. The talk with Tessa had done her the world of good. She took Kyle to one side and told him what had happened. I'm so sorry Mariah. I had no idea you felt that snowed under. I guess you've always just gotten on with things, and taken everything in your stride. I just took for granted that you were coping okay. Oh, I was Kyle, I just buried my head and got on with it as usual. But I don't delegate very well. One of my downfalls according to Tessa. I have built this great team around me, but I don't use them very well. So Tessa and I had a falling out, and then she explained that the kids felt like they only had one parent. Because in the last few weeks they haven't seen me at all, and neither has Tessa to be fair. I was leaving before they woke up and not getting home until after they were put to bed. Oh, Mariah, I didn't realize things were that bad said Kyle feeling guilty. Hey, it's not your fault said Mariah it's just the way I work. I hate letting you down. "Mariah" You've never let us down, you're doing an amazing job. I just thought you were delegating your team to get through the workload.

I had no idea you were taking it all on yourself said, Kyle. So Tessa and the kids would like you home a bit more? I think we can accommodate that. What would you like me to do, to make things less pressured for you? To be honest Kyle, I don't think you have to do anything. Like Tessa said I have an amazing team around me that I trust. All I have to do is let go a bit more, and let them get on with it. So that I can see the kids and Tessa a bit more than I have been. Okay, well you let me know if you need me to do anything to help you said Kyle as he hugged her. I promise I will said Mariah as he left her office. She called in her number two and right-hand woman Phyliss. You called said Phyliss bounding into Mariah's office. I did said Mariah smiling at her. I need you to get the team together in the boardroom. Then I need to delegate to you, all this extra work were going to need to do when Jabot acquires Marketti. Wow, you delegating said Phyliss. that's going to be a first. Mariah smiled at her. Yeah, my wife is complaining I'm not really at home at the moment.

How long have you been trying to do it all? enquired Phyliss. Ooh, you know me. A few weeks I guess. "Mariah" seriously. Phyliss was annoyed. No wonder Tessa is complaining. Yes alright said Mariah no need to rub it in. You know how I work. This time I just took on way too much. Now let's just get this all organized so that I can get home on time, to put the kids to bed tonight. Okay, boss said Phyliss I'll go and round up the troops. By the end of the working day, everything was sorted and up and running. It was a huge weight off of Mariah's shoulders. Phyliss came into Mariah's office around five. Mariah panicked. Is everything okay? Yes, everything is in place. I was just looking at the time. Why don't you go home and have an early night? I promise if I need to talk to you about anything to do with Marketti, I will give you a ring. Mariah hesitated. "Mariah" go home, to your wife and kids. You've done most of the work anyway. We'll all be fine. We'll see you in the morning. Enjoy your night. Err, thank you said Mariah Tessa and I can start looking at furnishings for our new extension. She'll be over the moon. Because once it's ready we can think about adding to our family.

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