Chapter 47 The Barn

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Tessa had to wait two months before Mariah was able to spend time looking at the houses. Luckily for them, the three houses that they had seen on the website, were still up for sale. There was the Newman mansion, the Ranch, and the home previously owned by Sharon called the Barn and it was their favorite out of all three of them all. They had reminisced about meeting Sharon when she owned Crimson Lights and how she'd always been so nice to them. Tessa meet Mariah at the Newman mansion they decided to do their choices in reverse,  least favorite first. They meet the realtor thereafter they had both finished work. He knew they would be looking at all three properties over the next three days, but they had not told him which one they favored the most. He took them on a tour of the mansion and pointed out all the best bits and then let Tessa and Mariah have a wander around on their own.

It's huge isn't it said, Mariah. Yeah, it's lovely but I think we're looking for more of a homely feel said, Tessa. I agree said, Mariah Isn't Nick who owns the shoebox a Newman? He is said, Tessa. I wonder why they're selling this place? No Idea said, Tessa but we're not buying it. No, we're not said, Mariah smiling. Ok well, we won't say we don't want it, we'll keep him guessing until we've seen all three said, Tessa, smiling back. Let's go then said, Mariah, grabbing her hand and heading for the door. Was everything to your liking? said. the realtor. It was said, Tessa. But we want to see all three places before we make our mind up said. Mariah. That's ok he said, I understand because you have picked three outstanding properties to look at, and they're also unique in their own way. Can we see The Ranch tomorrow? asked, Mariah before they left. Yes, sure he said Do you want to meet there? We do said, Tessa, It's easier for us that way. Shall we say six o'clock? said, Mariah, I'll be finished work b then. Are you ok with that time? Mariah asked Tessa.

It's fine by me said, Tessa. Ok well, I'll see you both at six o'clock then he said as he climbed into his car and then drove off! Mariah and Tessa decided to make a pro's and con's list for the house before they left. This way we will definitely know that the Barn is the house for us. Once they had done that, Tessa told Mariah to drive back to the shoebox and she would pick up takeout on her way back. Wonderful said, Mariah as she kissed her on the lips before she climbed into her car. I'll see you at home said. Mariah with a smile. Later when Tessa got back, Mariah told her to shower and she would sort the dinner out and find their chopsticks and bowls to eat on the sofa. Do you fancy watching a movie? asked Mariah before Tessa disappeared. Isn't it a bit late to start watching one? said, Tessa. Have we not got an episode on a boxset to watch or something? I'll have a look said, Mariah. As Tessa headed for the bathroom. When she came out there was soft music playing and Mariah had got the Chinese out on the kitchen counter so they could help themselves.

This looks wonderful said Tessa kissing Mariah's neck and wrapping her arm's around her. This feels wonderful too said, Mariah, putting her hand's over the top of Tessa's. Could you not find an episode to watch? asked, Tessa. No! Your right it's too late to watch anything said, Mariah so we'll just listen to some music instead. Is that ok? Of cause it is said, Tessa, grabbing a bowl and helping herself to some food. They also treated themselves to one glass of wine each, even though they both had early calls for work in the morning. What did you think of the Newman mansion? asked, Tessa after they had finished eating. It was ok said, Mariah It did have some good points, like the land that goes with it and all the room's obviously. We could definitely fit everyone in there. We sure could said, Tessa but I think you're going to say the same thing I'm thinking. What am I going to say? said, Mariah. That it's not homely enough, I mean it's a lovely house and the ground's are amazing and it would be lovely to bring kids up there. It's just not us though is it? said, Mariah.

No! said, Tessa smiling at her. Kids? said, Mariah. Err Yeah I'd love to have kids with you someday. I told you that when we were at Disneyland. I was hoping you might want them too by now? Even with our terrible childhoods. I thought maybe we would make great parents because we know all the pitfalls before we've even started. Well, that's true said, Mariah. We definitely know how not to be like our parents were to us. I think we should just follow Cindy, Carl, Dena, and Frank's example's how to be amazing parents. said, Tessa beaming. I'm not forcing you into this either Mariah, I want you to really think about it. I've been thinking about it for a very long time. But I also will understand if you don't want to go down the route of parenting. "Tessa" With you by my side, I think I can honestly say I'd love to be a parent someday because you will be there every step of the way to reassure me that I am doing a good job. I will said, Tessa, beaming from ear to ear. Ok well, I guess we'd better put this bed out and get some shut-eye.

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