Chapter 92 Go Ahead

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Mariah looked at the table and saw that Tessa had gone to some lengths to make it look nice, and even though the pull to the office was huge, she decided to go upstairs and put some sweats on and join Tessa for dinner. Tessa poured some wine, while Mariah was getting changed. I hope this will soften her up a bit said Tessa to herself. Mariah spotted the wine as soon as she got to the table. I can't drink too much of that said Mariah pointing to the wine. One glass won't hurt you said, Tessa besides you've not had any in a long time. In fact, we've not done this in a while. That's true said Mariah hesitating to kiss Tessa on the cheek. I'm not going to bite you know said Tessa noticing what Mariah was trying to do. So Tessa leaned in and kissed Mariah on the cheek, which made Mariah turn bright red. It had been at least a couple of weeks since they had last kissed. The dinner was wonderful, and it was just lovely to sit and chat and catch up a little on family things. I'm sorry about last night said, Mariah. I'm just so overwhelmed with the workload at the moment. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. It's not your fault I have a big job on at Jabot at the moment.

I'm also sorry, I said welcome to my world, especially as I had all our parents as extra pairs of hands while you were away. It's okay Mariah. I do realize that you are stressed. But it's the kids I feel sorry for. They feel like they only have one parent at the moment. Oh god, do they? I'm sorry Tessa that was never my intention. I'm even worried about the adoption going forward, with all the work you have to do. And if Kyle gets this other company it's going to get even worse said, Tessa. Mariah was shocked at what Tessa had said. You don't want more kids? asked Mariah. "Mariah" I want more kids than anything, you know I do. We have planned this extension to accommodate them. But you haven't even bothered to look around it, or even wanted to sit down with me and pick out paints and furnishings. I've tried to include you, but you've just shut yourself away. Mariah really hadn't taken much notice of anything in the last week or two. She had to ashamedly admit.

I had no idea said Mariah sheepishly. I just put my head in the books, wanting to do a good job for Jabot. I appreciate that said Tessa but it's starting to impact us as a family. And we don't want that to happen, do we? No, no we don't said Mariah I will try better I promise. "Mariah" you are brilliant at your job, and that's why Kyle has you doing everything. But you also have a great team, that you have built around you. All I'm asking is that you delegate a bit more than you do so that you can be here for breakfast maybe to start with so that the kids can see you for a bit. I don't mind the late nights so much. We can discuss things in the morning to do with the build etc. Hell, it would even be nice to bring you coffee in bed for a change. Have you much to do after dinner tonight? Tessa inquired. Err, just a couple of things said Mariah but I can do them quickly. Great said Tessa smiling. How about I do all the clearing up, while you're doing that and then I'll make some coffee, and then I'd love us to sit and have a cuddle and listen to some music while I get you up to speed. Is that okay with you? Mariah got up from the table and went over and kissed Tessa on the lips.

Thanks for dinner and yes that would be lovely. I'll be as quick as I can. Mariah walked away and went straight to her office. Mariah sat in the silents for a while, taking in what Tessa had said to her. I need to do so much better she said to herself out loud. She then got the papers she had to go through out of her bag. She sat there staring at them for quite a while before she picked them up again and put them back in her bag and decided to enjoy the company of her wife instead. It can all wait until I get back into the office tomorrow, she decided. Tessa was still in the kitchen finishing off the cleaning up. Mariah crept up behind her and wrapped her arms around her. I decided everything can wait until the morning whispered Mariah into Tessa's ear. Can I help you finish up? No, no I'm good said, Tessa. You go and put some music on, and I'll be a minute and bring the coffee in when I'm done. She kissed Mariah on the cheek. Okay said Mariah smiling. It's lovely to see that smile of yours again said, Tessa. Well, you lifted some of the stress I was feeling, with that pep talk you gave me. And you are right I do have a very good team, who I ought to rely on more, instead of thinking I have to do it all myself. I have to try and relax more and not stress about everything and think that the job won't be done well enough if I don't do it all.

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