Chapter 19 Sunday Walk !

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Tessa was outside Mariah's accommodation bang on eleven o'clock. Mariah was about ten seconds behind her. Hi! Hi! And good morning said Tessa leaning in and giving Mariah a little kiss on the lips. Good morning said Mariah smiling at Tessa. So what's the plan ? asked Tessa . Well ! Mariah put her hand in Tessa's. I was planning on taking us on the Old Town trolley tour and then maybe a hot chocolate at La Burdick Chocolates . Ooh chocolate ! I'm in laughed Tessa. I'm not so sure about the trolley tour she said disappointingly. Why's that ? said Mariah a little disappointed too. Well mainly paying for it ! said Tessa. I could do with saving some money if that's ok with you ? Mariah smiled at her . Of cause it is said Mariah I never even thought about the expense of it all. I'm sorry to disappoint you after you've gone to all this trouble said Tessa. Hey it's ok ! I'm just really glad you spoke up. Ok so that's a no so any idea's what we should do now ? 

How about we buy a few nibble's which will keep the costs down, and then we can find somewhere we can talk ? said Tessa. Brilliant idea ! Look we have a living room area in this accommodation , do you mind coming back here ? Mariah suggested. That way we can talk without buying endless cups of coffee, I can just go to our kitchen area and make us one. Well at least let me contribute by buying some soy milk ? said Tessa. Sounds good to me said Mariah. Let's go to the nearest grocery store and see what we can find. Off they went hand in hand. When the got back they put Mariah's name on all their purchases and placed most of it in the fridge, apart from the eggs and bread they had bought so Tessa could make them an omelette for lunch. Mariah went and checked on the living room area. When she came back into the kitchen, she told Tessa no one was in there. So it looks like were on our own ! I'll make the coffee and bring it in, you go ahead and make yourself comfy. Ok said Tessa and off she went. Which gave Mariah time to think about what she might want to say to Tessa, apart from she wanted to kiss her ! 

That will come she thought as she finished making the coffee, and headed for the living room where she found Tessa sitting comfortably on one of the huge sofa's . She put the coffee's down on the big table in front of them and sat right next to Tessa. I'm sorry it's not the day you had planned said Tessa turning to face her . Mariah grabbed the sides of Tessa's head and pulled it closer, then kissed her. Will you please stop apologizing said Mariah. She took a breath. We need to have a proper talk about what's happening . I'm sure you have loads of question's to ask me ? And me you. Mariah smiled at Tessa. We have the opportunity to do that here . Yes we do said Tessa smiling back. Great let's get started then. Who's going to start ? Err I guess that should be me said Tessa. Seeing as I blurted out that I liked girl's as I was leaving ! Seems a good a place as any to start said Mariah. What do you want to know about that statement ? asked Tessa. Err well I guess the obvious one would be , when did you know you liked girl's ? asked Mariah all curled up on the sofa listening intently to what the answer might be. 

I guess it started in high school. What I can remember anyway, I know I felt isolated ! Tessa looked glum just thinking about it. Mariah stretched out her hand for Tessa to hold. Which she did gratefully. Where was I ? You said you felt isolated Mariah said. Yeah I did, but I don't know if that was down to my parent's ? Because I couldn't have friend's around the house. That's if I made any ? Or it's because I felt different , and I didn't know how to express myself . I think it was a combination of the two if I'm honest. I always felt drawn to girl's and never boy's ! It always confused me . I wanted to talk to somebody about the feelings I was having, but I never felt like I could trust somebody enough, until I meet my music teacher Mr Heart who taught me guitar. He let me into a major secret that he was gay ! And nobody at school knew that, or that he had a partner he'd been with since he was sixteen. Oh wow said Mariah . 

Yeah ! It was a bit like that for me when he told me. I then started to confide in him so that I didn't have to keep it all inside myself. Did it help ? Yes and no I guess. I had a few promising attractions and a few kisses, but I never had a proper girlfriend . She looked at Mariah who looked in shock! Really never ? Never said Tessa So is that why your weary of me ? You could say that said Tessa. I mean Mariah I don't even know if your gay ? Err well neither do I Tessa is the honest answer . I've never been allowed to have a relationship before. All I know is at this point, I have felt this pull towards you . I've never felt anything like it before. Neither have I if I'm honest said Tessa smiling at her. All I know at this point is said Mariah that's if your ok with everything ? I want us to see and explore together and see where this attraction/affection can go. Do you think you will want to come along for the ride with me ? Oh most definitely yes said Tessa smiling from ear to ear. 

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