Chapter 42 Heart Beat ?

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Carl and Cindy rushed onto the stage, the crowd was deathly silent. Mariah was beside herself. Is she dead? Mariah asked through tears and mascara running down her face. One of the cops went over and came back to her and said she's holding on. They want to try and stabilize her before they move her to the LSV (Lifesaving vehicle). Mariah was in bits. Cindy and Carl both put an arm around her while they all sat on the floor. Poor Tanner didn't know what to do? In the end, he got to the mic and told the crowd to disperse and to hold onto their tickets and come back tomorrow night. The crowd didn't move at first and they started to light up all their phones and quietly started chanting Tessa's name, Mariah looked up and saw a magic scene. The paramedics came over and told Mariah, Cindy, and Carl she was finally stable enough to be moved. Do you want to come with us? The paramedic asked Mariah. She looked at Cindy. It's ok Mariah you go we'll meet you there. They told Cindy and Carl they were taking her to the Rush University Medical Centre. When the audience saw Tessa being moved onto the stretcher they all started to hum the tune If Your Not Busy, The song which Tessa wrote for Mariah! 

As they left the stage Mariah saw Tessa's father's body, it was covered with a blanket. She had to let Tessa's hand go as they maneuvered the stretcher the tight sections backstage until they reached the car park. All Mariah could see was blue flashing lights everywhere, from all the cop cars that came to the scene. Mariah turned around and kissed Cindy and Carl, who were being put into a cop car for the journey to the hospital. Mariah climbed in with Tessa. They speed their way to the hospital accompanied by cop cars with their sirens blaring. They had to stop on the way once because Tessa's heart had stopped! They had to restart it and stabilize her again. Mariah's heart was in her mouth at that point. She leaned down and whispered in Tessa's ear. Don't you dare leave me, take all my strength I'm right here fighting with you. Once at the hospital they showed Mariah to a family room where Cindy and Carl were already waiting. What took you so long ? asked Carl. Mariah had slumped into a chair. She looked up and just broke down. Cindy and Carl both consoled her. She's strong said Cindy and a fighter.

I hope you are right said Mariah through tears. Because her heart stopped beating on the way here! So that's why we were so long time getting here they had to stabilize her again! I think they said she would have to go down to the theatre as soon as we got here. Carl left the ladies in the room and went in search of coffee and some answers. The nurse in reception showed him where the coffee machine was and just told him what Mariah already knew. That Tessa had been taken straight to the theatre and no news had come back yet and it will probably be a few hours before they knew anything concrete. Carl got back to the room and gave the girl's the much-needed coffee. Any news? asked Cindy. She's in the theatre and we are going to have a long night and wait is all they would say.  One of the reception nurses came in after about thirty minutes, no news yet I'm sorry but I do have some blankets and pillow's to give you. The chair's over there she pointed recline. Try and get some sleep if you can, because it's going to be a very long night for you all.

Carl looked at Mariah, she had not said anything for quite a while. He got Cindy's attention and they stopped just outside the door. I'm worried about her said, Carl. I'm going to call Dena and Frank and tell them what's happened, and see if they can get on a flight? It's a bit late to call said, Cindy. I know but I don't want them to find out about Tessa on the news or social media. Ok, I agree said Cindy that would be awful for them. How are you holding up? he asked her. At the moment I'm running on pure adrenaline and I'm sure I will come crashing down at some point. I'm just praying really hard she comes out of that theatre at the moment. Me too said Carl kissing her. Ok, I'll be back in a minute I'll go and phone them. Dena and Frank woke up a bit out of sorts, with their phone ringing off the hook. At first, they thought it might be Tyler or Shelby. But were shocked when they heard Carl's shaky voice on the other end. Frank? Carl said. Yes, you ok? No not really mate Carl said sadly. I wanted to tell you something that happened here at the concert tonight before it hits the news and social media. Ok said Frank gingerly.

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