Chapter 17 Nigh time Date !!

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So Thursday was D-Day Tessa was going to meet up with Mariah around five, it was early in the evening and only an hour after they had both finished school. But they both agreed they wanted to spend as much time together as they possible could. Before school started Tessa had texted Mariah . Hi good morning. Are we still ok for five ? I just thought I'd check in with you before school starts. Tessa x  Mariah was struggling out of bed and she had just turned her phone on when it went nuts with pinging sounds ! She'd had messages from the clan wishing her good luck  for her second date with Tessa later on today. It's not a date she said to herself under her breath . But she smiled at the thought that Dena, Frank, Shelby and Tyler had all taken the time to send her a message of good luck. 

The last message she read was from Tessa, she looked at the time she'd sent it. It was 7am ! Oh god she's an early bird thought Mariah ! It takes me a while to get going in the morning. As she read her message she smiled and sent one back. Hi good morning to you too. You were up early this morning ? ( Mariah was hoping Tessa wasn't going to say she gets up at that time every morning.)  I'm so looking forward to our get together. Five is still ok with me. Mariah x  That should keep her happy, thought Mariah. Tessa read Mariah's message when she came back from her run. She started to laugh when she read in between the lines that Mariah hates getting up in the morning ! She sent a quick text back . I like my lie in's too ! But today was a run day ! So up and out early. Just back and heading for the shower. See you later Tessa x Mariah was eating cereal when Tessa's message arrived . Mariah smiled . She likes lie in's that's good ! Then she read the rest of the message. Not so good the rest of it she thought ! Up at seven to go for a run ! She will never catch me doing that . She laughed. Another message went back. See you later Mariah x 

Both Mariah and Tessa were clock watching all day ! They both could not wait for four o'clock to come around, so they could go back to their rooms and get themselves ready and then meet up outside Mariah's accommodation. And then see where the evening took them ? Once the bell went for end of school , Tessa sprinted out of there as fast as she could and got herself ready in record time. So she was able to do some of her study time she had been given before she meet up with Mariah. Mariah had more or less done the same. But she spent a lot of time pampering herself and deciding what to wear. When she had finally decided her clothes had been thrown out onto her bed and on the floor where she had discarded them. She sighed ! I'd better clear this lot up before I go out , I don't fancy doing it when I get back that's for sure. She settled on a pair of black jeans with a lovely auburn coloured top. I don't think we'll be walking as much as last time ? So she put on a pair of heels. When she'd finished tidying she had less than ten minutes to get to the meeting place. 

Tessa had managed to get all her stuff ready for her classes sorted and she'd managed to have a shower and change clothes. This time she opted for a pair of black jeans with a lovely red top which really suited her. For her feet she managed to find a pair of flats at the back of the cupboard. Ok I'm set I think ? She said to herself. She grabbed her coat to leave. Then she said Tessa Porter this could be the most important night of your life ? She walked out and slammed the door behind her, and made her way to the rendezvous with Mariah. Mariah could not believe she got to the meeting place before Tessa . But just as she thought that she spotted her walking towards her with her head down and her black tussles blowing in the wind. Mariah also noticed she was wearing flats ! Then she remembered when they spent the day together and they were both wearing boots, she'd noticed Tessa was a good four inches taller than her .

Tessa's face lit up as soon as she saw Mariah waiting there for her . Am I late ? Shouted Tessa. No! I don't think so said Mariah I noticed your wearing flats, are we doing a lot of walking again ? Not unless you want to ? said Tessa . No not really said Mariah especially now that I've chosen these heels. Tessa looked down at what she was wearing. Oh god no ! Killer heels though she said smiling. I thought if it's ok with you , we'd spend the evening at the Beehive so we can listen to some music , have a bite to eat and if we can sit far enough away from the stage we will be able to talk without getting drowned out by the music, and also it's not to far away for you being able to walk in those heels ! Is that ok ? Tessa asked . Yes it is said Mariah . Without thinking she looped her arm through Tessa's and off they went arm in arm. When they arrived they picked a table which was upstairs away from the stage. When they sat down they were given menu's and they decided to have a Mojito each. 

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