Chapter 32

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17 December 2022, Saturday. The wedding day. 

"Mrs. Storm, if you don't come back to this bed right now, I'll tie you up and then we won't go to the wedding." Ryder threatened with a sleepy voice. 

"Don't be rude, did you see the time? It's ten-thirty, the wedding ceremony starts at 2pm." I said and began to iron his suit. "Riley's awake, go get her." I said sternly before he could say anything else. 

He groaned and went to get her and then laid with her in bed. "Did you hear that? Mommy's having one of her moods today. Tsk, tsk, tsk." I shot him an irritated look and he grinned. 

"Don't start with your nonsense today, Ryder." I hanged his clothes on a hanger in front of the closet and went to the kitchen to give him strong tea. "Just a couple of drinks with guys, nothing too serious." I mocked him in his voice, and he chuckled wryly. 

"Ah, so that's why she's so moody. There were no strippers or any exotic dancers at Armano's bachelor party last night. I should be worried about you rather, you came back home with a foolish smirk and a slight blush after the bachelorette party the other night." He accused and I smirked at the memory. 

"Ah, yes. How can one ever forget that night? Especially that man that looked almost exactly like Michele Morrone, oh, my poor heart." 

"And I'm supposed to know who that is?" He frowned and drank his tea. 

I chuckled and picked Riley up to give her a bath. "We're on our way to Jessy's, so clean up, the tie and handkerchief is in that cupboard. Also, while you're at it, trim that beard. You look like a caveman." I gave him a quick kiss and left with Riley and a handful of bags. 


Ryder's pov: 

"Relax, everything will go smoothly." I said to Armano while he was wiping sweat from his forehead for the third time. 

All the guests are already seated and we are all waiting for the bride and her bridesmaids to walk down the aisle. 

"But what if she doesn't come? She always joked how she'll leave the groom at the altar when we were younger." He said nervously and I smiled. 

"Jessica would never do that to you, she loves you." I assured him and looked over to where Riley was sitting on Teresa's lap in her cute red onesie. Pride swelled in my chest. 

Just then the orchestra began to play and the bridesmaids made their way inside the one by one. First it was Cindy, Valery, Sharon, and then, her. 

Oh God. 

That dark red dress was fitting her like a glove, a very tight glove. My eyes swept across her body, her face, her curves, her very exposing cleavage, her smile, her. I didn't even notice the bride coming in, but I'm sure Jessy looked great. My entire focus was on her

When the priest began to talk, I could see a slight blush spreading from her neck up to her cheeks. She knows that I'm staring. 

Hazel eyes then darted to mine, and that perfect dimple in her cheek appeared as she smiled. "Focus." She mouthed the words to me and looked back at the couple with a slight smirk. 

Fuck. She knows exactly what effect she has on me. 

The wedding was finally commenced and I sighed a breath of relief. This was the longest wedding ever, in my opinion. I thought that I'll finally get to be with her after we're done but I was wrong. At the reception she was all over the place, making sure that everyone is alright and that things go smoothly. 

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